What we did & Learning objectives!
- To learn how to use the program Macromedia fireworks to create a Logo for your product.
- To learn how to use text and typography in your logo design
- To learn how to use shapes and colors in you logo design
- To learn how to use special effects to enhance your logo design
What went well?
This was a fantastic lesson and the quality of the pupils work was brilliant at the end of the lesson.
I was really able to nail the behaviour of the pupils by issuing them a clear set of objectives at the beginning of the lesson. In my PowerPoint I was also able to use a good merits and sanctions technique with smiley faces and sad faces indicating if I am happy or sad with them. They responded well to this and I was able to follow through on this well.
The pupils responded well to peer assessment and
Students Learning
The pupils learnt the program well and where drawing on prior knowledge that they had developed in previous practice. It was great to see the quality of the work go well and they where all on task working really hard which was such a bonus and pleasure to see. Students had clearly learnt from the process and the demonstration that was followed well.
What could have been done better and what will I do about it?
This is hard as most of it went really well. I can only look at the fact that I could look at given pupils that did step out of line harsher sanctions particularly at the break time lessons.
Students Learning
This could have been helped if I was able to fully show a few more points during my demonstration.
I thought this was a great lesson and I was really happy with the behaviour and the quality of the work that the pupils produced.
I also had a secure knowledge of teh program and requirement of what i was teaching which really helped. This was demonstrated by the quality of the pupils work.
Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >> http://bit.ly/mRoaOc
Full observation >> http://bit.ly/iJN9T2
Resources >> http://bit.ly/k42Qhk