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Teaching and learning

Q10 Have a knowledge and understanding of a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies and know how to use and adapt them, including how to personalise learning and provide opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential.

Please See –

Induction – Introducing A02 OCR Nationals – Year 9MQB4

Working towards – Year 11 GCSE Coursework Lessons & Web 2.0 and Teaching

Achieving –Year 8 Fireworks Apprentice lesson 4

Assessment and monitoring

Q11 Know the assessment requirements and arrangements for the subjects/curriculum areas in the age ranges they are trained to teach, including those relating to public examinations and qualifications.

Please See –

Induction – Year 8 Website Assessments

Working towards – Year 11 GCSE Coursework Lessons

Achieving –Marking pupils work GCSE OCR Nationals

Q12 Know a range of approaches to assessment, including the importance of formative assessment.

Please See –

Induction –  Year 8 Website Assessments

Working towards – AB tutor a teaching tool

Achieving – Assessment Article & Year 9 – Colaborative Group Project *1

Q13 Know how to use local and national statistical information to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, to monitor the progress of those they teach and to raise levels of attainment.

Please See –

Induction – I have been reading through article and papers on statistics and how this applies to education as a whole

Working towards –Use of Data in Independent Schools

Achieving – Using National and Statistical Data GCSE ICT

Subjects and Curriculum

Q14 Have a secure knowledge and understanding of their subject/curriculum areas and related pedagogy to enable them to teach effectively across the age and ability range for which they are trained.

Please See –

Induction – Lesson 3 OCR Nationals AO2 – Year 9MQB4

Working towards –Photoshop lesson 1 – Year 7

Achieving – Marking pupils work GCSE OCR Nationals & Year 8 Fireworks Apprentice lesson 4

Q15 Know and understand the relevant statutory and non-statutory curricula, frameworks, including those provided through the National Strategies, for their subjects/curriculum areas, and other relevant initiatives applicable to the age and ability range for which they are trained.

Please See –

Induction – Notes from SD Seminar ––-National-Curriculum.docx

Working towards – Year 11 GCSE Coursework Lessons

Achieving – National Curriculum and Exams

Literacy, numeracy and ICT

Q16 Have passed the professional skills tests in numeracy, literacy and information and communication technology (ICT).

Achieving Below

Literacy –

Numeracy –


Q17 Know how to use skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT to support their teaching and wider professional activities.

Please See –

Induction – Website Design – Lesson 1 – 8MQB4 & Researching Online – photos and text – Year 8MQB1

Working towards – Year 9 – Colaborative Group Project *1

Achieving – Year 9 OCR Nationals Database Lesson 2

Achievement and diversity

Q18 Understand how children and young people develop and that the progress and well-being of learners are affected by a range of developmental, social, religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic influences.

Please See –

Induction – EAL EPS Lecture Notes

Working towards –Year 11 Tutoring

Achieving –

Q19 Know how to make effective personalised provision for those they teach, including those for whom English is an additional language or who have special educational needs or disabilities, and how to take practical account of diversity and promote equality and inclusion in their teaching.

Please See –

Induction – I have been reading in the “BRISTOL GUIDE” pages 54 -58 how it is important to recognise the special educational needs of pupils and to make sure that there is provision for them in each school. It has been useful to know the laws on medical condtions that can effect childrens learning needs.

Working towards – Year 7 Photoshop lesson 3

Achieving – Teaching Logicator to Lower Ability Pupils.

Q20 Know and understand the roles of colleagues with specific responsibilities, including those with responsibility for learners with special educational needs and disabilities and other individual learning needs.

Please See –

Induction – EPS Lecture notes on how to use a TA

Working towards – I have had a few Meetings with the ICT TA in my department and have learnt about how they support pupils in lesson so that I can understand what responsability i can give them. It has also been useful to learn more about how I can support SEN pupils better. Plese see email communication >> ICT TA Discussion Email 1 and two doccuments we went through >> ICT TA supporting SEN pupils & Supporting Students with SEN in Exams

Achieving – Teaching Logicator to Lower Ability Pupils.

Health and well-being

Q21 (a) Be aware of current legal requirements, national policies and guidance on the safeguarding and promotion of the well-being of children and young people.

Please See –

Induction – I have been looking at the safguarding policies that i recieved during my child protection induction at my home school and also reading up on the Bristol Guide to see what is required for school in relation to the food they have to provide if it is a been awarded a healthy schools award. I also have looked at how once pupils arrive at school it is the responsability of the school to make sure theya are in school all day. If pupils dont attend they have to report this to the social services. p85

Working towards – Academic Review Day

Achieving – Forest of Dean Tutor Trip

Q21 (b) Know how to identify and support children and young people whose progress, development or well-being is affected by changes or difficulties in their personal circumstances, and when to refer them to colleagues for specialist support.

Please See –

Induction – Academic Review Day

Working towards – Year 11 Tutoring

Achieving – Year 8 Tutoring