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Make Child Poverty History

By Beliefs, IssuesNo Comments

I have just added an animation to my portfolio page and i think everyone who reads this should go have a look at it as i think its pretty good and powerful.

Clocks Animation

It is basically a short animation that is trying to raise awareness with all the issues with Child Poverty.

Portfolio PAGE

Animation Site 

I was in a maths lesson and my Teach Dr. Pomeroy had a bracelet that was the make poverty history one with a little hifen or accent that added in the word child  marked in red. I was really challenged by this and took it on as the basis of this project. I have never yet managed to thank her but I will do. 

I think that children are the worst effected by poverty and is clearly evident with all the terrible pre famine warnings that are coming from across the world. Namely Ethiopia and India. As children cant defend them selves against this it is up to us to actually make a difference and help as much as we can to alleviating the problem.

One of the ways you can do this is by supporting a child through Compassion 

Please can we talk about this issue and can people tell me what they think of the animation i made?

Do people realise how many children are actually dying due to starvation and disease??

Should we be using Scare Tactics with the statistics?? 

Lets discus