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Changing to WordPress as full CMS for my Website.

By Cool Things, DesignNo Comments

I am seriously thinking of c

hanging my website to a fully automated wp managed site that i can optimise using their clever CMS system but still have the flexibility of changing design lay outs…

I really think i want to do this but the problem i am facing is how to get going i feel that i will use an already developed theme and build from that as a starting point.

Heres one that i really like and am thinking of using…. Infinity theme….

I also do like my current theme that i have worked hard on so please advise on what you  like and surgest some nice ones tooo..

Is this being lazy as in using some others designers work and then making it suit my needs..

Mee thinks not as i can use what they have do

ne and maybe better it and then move onto my own design once i have the system sussed…

i have just read a good post by one of my technical lecturers Will Goldstone

What are peoples thought

What CMS Should i use?

By Coding, DesignNo Comments

I am pretty stuck at the moment as i am looking to at how to do content management for my website as coding something from scratch is not my strength at all.. 

So i have had a look at a few open source options such as Joomla, CMS made simple, Expression Engine (Not quite open source though) and PHP Nuke. These are just a few that i have found but i have not actually instaled any of them on my my server as i want to try and get a good one to start with then work with that…. as i am not one to just start of with something that will waste my time… 

So if any one could shed some light on some that can help me

  • Manage Comments and Post to a Database.
  • Upload video, images, and various content. 
  • submit contact forms.
  • Generally edit areas of web pages… 
I am just curious how this intergrates with my current websites and how i tell it to edit say my resume page or my about me tab… i am assume i have to ad the corresponding so that i allows the user to edit that. 
I also realised that in my research that Wordpress can actually do all of this… how could i integrate the lush wordpres CMS with areas of my website. 
Sorry that all of this sounds really easy and basic but i would really appreciate some help on this matter.