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Downloading and Gathering Information – OCR Nationals

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

To continue finding and gathering information to store for your flyers.

To complete the 8 slides showing the screen shots of the information you have gathered.

To complete the copyright slide saying how copyright needs to be considered in a business context.


What went well?

This was a good lesson to catch up on work that was needed to be done. I thought my explanation of how to get the relevant screen shots was clear and concise and so that they knew exactly what to do. One of the boys had given up and I was able to try and motivate him to keep on going it take a deep breath and carry on.

I was really happy with being able to help pupils one to one.

I was also happy with being able to go through assessing pupils work by going around individually looking through their work.


What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

It was hard to manage each pupil across the class as they were a lower set ability. As I gave them a big chunk to do it was probably quite overwhelming for them to complete all 8 slides.

Now I tried to use the timer to give them 3 minutes for each of the slides and this was not that effective as many of them did not pay attention to this.

In the future I really could try and chunk this up even more and almost guide them through each one. The only problem is that they all had different band members.

One other area that could have gone better was my extension tasks. Now I had planned for this but I did not actually say what they should move onto verbally or on the screen.

So in the future I will verbally and visually put on the board the extension task for those that complete early so that I can allow for good differentiation.



I felt that it was a good to ok lesson and on the whole they were on task working well.

It was tough to hold my ground to behaviour management as i had to issue a timeout warning and its hard as the kids become extremely distant when your issue some sort of sanctions.


Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

Learning objectives and homework Powerpoint >>>


Lesson 2 OCR Nationals – Year 9MQB4

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

These are the learning objectives for the lesson…

To search for all the 8 different band websites.

To learn how to judge if their band website is valid or trustworthy.

How to save or bookmark favourite pages that you find online.

Learn how to organise these pages into folders and categories.

What went well?

I thought that my plenary went well. I asked them to stand behind their places and answer a question and if they answered it correctly they could leave. This meant they were leaving the classroom on task still.

There were constantly on task and filling in each part of their PowerPoint slides which meant that they were achieving allot. The total result was allot of work done in the lesson.

I tried to walk around and asses how each pupil was doing and if they had completed each part I had asked.  

I was happy with my delivery to them up the front and I felt that they were all paying attention to my delivery.

What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

I changed my lesson plan last minute which meat that I was a bit disorganised when I came into the lesson. I had to quickly finish my slides and resources. This was because I realised that I needed to take a different course of action as the logical order required me to talk about validity of websites before I asked them to source them.

I need to be more specific of what I require of them when explaining technical aspects as when I showed them how to book mark and create folders and sub folders I did not take the time to do this to the full. This meant that it was not quite clear what expected of them. I re demonstrated the book marking process but needed to give more time to this.

I was hoping to get a practical exercise to demonstrate putting sites into folder and the importance of organising and structuring but sadly did not get onto this.

My Feelings

Well I enjoyed this lesson and the pressure that it put on me to adapt and be versatile with short notice. I feel that if I knew this earlier it would have taken the stress of the whole lesson as I was worried I wasn’t going to get it all in.

Thankfully I achieved all of my lesson objectives so al in all I feel this was a good lesson

Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

Researching Online – photos and text – Year 8MQB1

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

In this lesson we had a look at good ways to research content online with a focus on text and pictures. The purpose was to give them some structure and guidelines on how start to populate their websites with good looking content.

  1. To find out some key points about your topic like using effective search techniques – what it is – history of how long it’s been an issue – a few key facts and figures e.g. how much GM food is produced in the UK. Also include one news article
  2. To gather some relevant images and pictures from Google image search and from a stock photo website like corbis images

What went well?

I laid down the ground rules to start with and set high expectations which went well and I was able to control the class without to much trouble.

I was really happy how I was able to start with a recap and get them on task quickly. I was able to use this time to make sure that each pupil was up to scratch.

The pupils were on task and achieved a good amount of work in the lesson. They are really beginning to create a website that looks good and could be actually used on the web.

Some of the questions were answered well

The where able to use their english and skills to write the work  they had researched to create the work in their own words. I had to make sure that pupils where comming up with sentices and paragraphs that where realated to the work and to make sure that it was relevant. It was interesting as some pupils literacy  levels where much higher than i expected which makes sense as this is a top set.

What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

I asked them to find content for their website and did not show them how to import it straight into their website. I should have said compile it in word and then paste it into frontpage. I think in the future I would make sure I have each instruction completely clear that allows them to completely get on with the task.

I was meant to show them a few more options to find stock photos so will need to make sure I plan for demonstration time a bit better.

Its was hard to just talk about some of these websites on the PowerPoint with out demonstrating them again I think its best to have a live example of the website rather than just image.. screen shots could be taken to achieve this come to think of it.


It was a busy and fairly tiring lesson but this was because it was the last lesson of the day and everyone was tired. How ever they did get a decent amount of work done.

I was really enjoying it and feel that it went well.

It was interesting as I enjoyed the time also when my mentor left the class room as this gave me complete freedom. This is not at all to say that I don’t like him there. It is just at times you want to please and glance over at your mentor for approval which shouldn’t be the case we are teaching the kids not our mentor.

Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>