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Trusting in the Holy Spirit – mission update Sake DRC – CEPAC Church

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Wow what a day it was yesterday – it started by whizzing off on a little picky picky to a CEPAC church out of Saké – my heart started to pound as people packed into this wonderful church – I thought “Lord who am I to speak to these dear 650 souls – ” – but I tell you the Holy Spirit really lead the meeting and it was a lesson learnt in trusting in Him to give you the words to say! What was marvellous was 4 men have their Hearts to Jesus! This was so precious! Salvation in Christ is the greatest miracle of all!

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Then we where able to pray for all who where sick and even for about 25 widows from the war! My heart goes out to the Congolese as there is such need

He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20

I was given such a great gift a LED flash light to be light wherever I go – may a shine brightly for you Jesus and may I decrease and You increase!

It gives me great comfort that we serve a mighty God who promises to be with them and help them. The Holy Spirit the comforter will fight on their behalf! We have to trust in this otherwise the burden is too great!

My prayer for them is that may meditate on his word and Forget not all his benefits! Psalm 103

He crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, Psalm 103:4

As I sit here in Goma, seeing of members of the team to various locations around Africa, I have much joy, peace and love in my heart and know this is not the end only the beginning of a life long service for His Kingdom here and to the ends of the earth!








Glorious testimony of deliverance in Saké Congo

By Mission378 Comments

Day 2 Saké Report

The mighty Word of Christ went out to the people in Saké in power this
afternoon! Roger preached with great unction and flow in the spirit with
many stories and parables to convey the Gospel of the Kingdom!
After the main message Shireen felt prompted to cry out and plead with the
many non churched people saying “you must be born again”!

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he
cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 ESV)

We know that many responded to this call but also are praying that their
hearts are not hardened to the call of Christ to surrender all!

Whilst Mama Shireen was crying out to the souls of Saké we saw the crowd
gather around a man that was manifesting a demon! He was carried to the
intercessors and in the mighty name of Jesus they cast out the demon! The
man was freed and was able to say who he was and where he lived but most
importantly give his heart to the Lord and bowed his his knee to Jesus!
There was another lady who travelled 23 kilometres to get to the meetings
who was also demon possessed who again gave her heart to Jesus and was set

One little girl came to the intercessors tent and bowed down to the Lord.
She was clearly mentally troubled but the dear little girl raised her little
hands to Jesus and confessed the name of Jesus! Even as I write now my heart
is burdened for this precious little girl called Faith! Please would you
pray for her this very moment as she will need alot of support physically
and spiritually!

We also invited the children to come and commissioned the very first airing
of the Saké children’s choir – they made a wonderful shout of joy and praise
to the Lord singing Jesus is Lord and My God is Good.
Have a look at the video!

We prayed for the sick again and it was wonderful to have one man testify of
his eyesight being healed. He was an elderly man and that very morning could
not read his bible but this afternoon he said he had faith God could heal
him and he proceeded to read beautifully from his tiny print bible! Praise
the Lord our God heals!

Our morning pastors seminars was fantastic once again! Please pray for the
pastors as they need to be able to forgive one another and teach forgiveness
in their churches. Whilst Roger prayed I could see many of the pastors and
leaders doing business with the Lord in the area of forgiveness. We know
that forgiveness is the key to allowing their ministry to be full of love
towards one another rather than bound in hatred towards other tribes and
even nations!

Pray that we see an out pouring of the Holy Spirit tomorrow as this is very
important to seal those who have committed to Jesus!

We laid hands on a lady who had a goitre (lump) on her neck bigger than two
hands out together and believe God will heal her. Please pray for her and
many others in great physical need!

Please pray for the unchurched people who were challenged tonight to turn to

Please also keep praying for Faith, the young girl I wrote about earlier!


video of kids singing their heart out

A bible study on Acts 6:1-7 Apostolic Practical Ministry

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Please read the Scripture.

There was obviously a community issue here.

Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. (Acts 6:1 ESV)

Widows where being forgotten and the disciples knew they needed to help. It was the custom at the time to help serve and distribute food to people in need of which widows where one of those. Scripture also talks about orphans and the need to help them practically. James 1:27.

So the apostles who where called by God to preach the Gospel and Word said this.

And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. (Acts 6:2 ESV)

One might think that this was rather elitist and selfish of them. On the contrary. They recognised that God had called them to the preaching of the word and identified that it would not be right for them to neglect this calling.

So they equipped, blessed and released others to do it.

Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. (Acts 6:3 ESV)

The qualities the men needed are interesting to note and to try and live by in any service and word we do for The Lord.

• Good Repute / attested character. So obviously had experience in life and had been seen to be Godly men.
• Full of the Holy Spirit. I believe this means spirit filled and walking in Gifting’s in the Holy Spirit.
• Wisdom of high importance. More precious than Gold even.

After they had chosen the 7 the apostles prayed for them and interestingly laid hands on them which I think is important to do when commissioning people for a specific service to The Lord.

This allowed and freed up the apostles to do what they felt so strongly called to.

But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:4 ESV)

If you feel called to apostolic ministry then I very much suggest you heed these words above as I really believe we have a biblical model here for ministry and service to The Lord. NOTE how prayer is Key. Prayer goes hand in hand with the preaching of Word of God.

“Apostolic may refer to; An Apostle meaning one sent on a mission” – Wikipedia

Then to check whether we are walking and working how God would want we need to check the fruit. I believe that as the Word of God increases in a city or town so will the amount of Disciples of Christ! And exponentially!

And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. (Acts 6:7 ESV)

I do believe their are different callings in ministry and it is clear from this scripture that we must not neglect the practical side of ministry such as feeding the needy. Instead we should equip and release others to do this which in turn allows for the preaching of the Word to continue which will in turn release more disciples to be equipped to help the needy in our world.

How are walking in His calling?

Are we devoting ourselves to prayer and preaching of the word?

How do we equip more people to walk in what God has called them to?

Would there be or are they complaints from others how we are serving the poor and needy in our local area?




Preparing for Mission – a missionary in the making!

By Mission125 Comments

I humbly write these following thoughts with great humility but exceeding joy.

My writing will be simple and to the point.

With great boldness and Joy I am delighted to say that I believe God is calling me to be a missionary overseas. My greatest hearts desire is to see people come to know Jesus and to see Christ formed in them through the teaching of the Word of God.

I very much love reading the bible everyday and one of my dreams is to give people the opportunity to do this by practically by providing them with a physical bible in their own language.

The motto “To know Christ and make Christ Known” has really blessed me and encouraged me greatly over recent months. I thank Bath CU for introducing me to it! What greater endeavour could a man do with his life than live it for Jesus and tell others about Jesus!

I believe God is calling me to first go to Africa where I grew up. I love Kenya but I really have central Africa on my heart. If it is God’s will Eastern DRC Congo! BUT it must be the Lords will and way. I personally know the importance of walking in his will and will only do this from now on!

Right from the start though I want to make it really clear that I do not want to make me famous or big but only Jesus. So I am going to go big and bold for Christ unashamedly. I only want to make Jesus famous not me. Oh Lord hold me to these words as I can be so arrogant especially in my mind!

Christ must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

This has always been a scripture that encourages me to keep giving Jesus the Glory.

Not unto us, O Lord , not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake. (Psalms 115:1 KJV)

So I am going to document my thoughts here on my blog for others to pray for me and offer me counsel and encouragement.

I have currently put in my application for the Onesimus Program at HTCD and they have accepted me onto the program and will be walking with me through this calling. Oh how exciting this is.

Jesus thank you!



Mission trip and flight to Bunia with MAF

By MissionNo Comments

Day 1

I woke at 4:30 AM after a good 5 hours sleep and immediately felt a peace, joy and excitement about the coming trip. I knew that I had to be at the Airport as sometimes the flights just leave early if they feel they have enough passengers. On the way to the airport I had a good chat with Victor my taxi driver. Continue Reading to know more about taxis and its incredible services. He knew Jesus and it was a joy to share the faith with him, in Kenya there is a high population of believers who are willing to talk opening about their faith. Once at the airport I was able to check in swiftly and promptly with Air Uganda and secured a sought after window seat near the front of the plane. Air Uganda where brilliant, they where on time, friendly and customer orientated. I enjoyed posting to instagram (feel free to check it out the photos on especially those that where 10000 feet in the air.

Once I arrived in Uganda I had to leave my passport with an immigration officer in order to go through and collect my bag. It amazing how a small collection of papers bound by a leather front holds so much authority or guarantee. Once I had my checked in bag I was met by my very own MAF flight handler who weighed my bags and myself. You have to give your weight as the Cesna caravan 1 that I was going to be travelling in can only lift about 1 Ton that’s not to say I am more than 1 ton.

I then saw Gods favour in a great way. I was due to fly 3 hours later but I was bumped onto an earlier flight. It was me and Dave, the pilot, flying into the heart of Africa with a load of medication for a rural mission hospital. I was able to sit upfront and was essentially the co-pilot for the 1 hour 10 minutes flight across lake Victoria, lake Albert and tropical rain forest. Before we took off Dave prayed and asked the Lord to bless the flight and protect us – I was very thankful for this. It was a stunning day to fly – the sun was out, it wasn’t raining and visibility was good. I took great pleasure and photographing every moment of the journey and was so thankful for being invited to sit up at the front with Dave. It was beautiful up in the clouds and you really get to see how marvellous Gods creation is from 12500 feet above sea level.

Once we crossed into DRC air space It was dawning on me that we where almost there. After we flew over lake Albert I saw what seemed to be like hills with lava flows or little valleys carved out but with luscious green vegetation formed over them. It looked like deep scares and scratches in the lands and I felt the Lord say to me that this is the state of the nation. There have been deep scares and the land has been mauled but there is healing coming to it.

On the decent I saw the town of Bunia and noticed how it was fairly established and had quite a substantial population. I then had to put away my camera gear as it was strictly forbidden to take pictures at the airport. I have never received my checked in baggage so quickly as it was right there for me as I stepped onto Congolese soil for the first time. I had to be quite composed at this point as I had been told that things at the airport can be quite tricky. It was like arriving on a film set with UN cars around and a very basic terminal building just of the run way. I was told to meet Mario and at first I could not see him but there he was and it was good to hear someone call my name in such a new place. The immigration staff where not that friendly, almost subdued, and I was a little bit uneasy when I was bundled into this back office to get my passport signed. As they thumbed through it I was aware that I did not have a visa and was praying that there wouldn’t be trouble. It was all in hand and Pastor Mario had brought with him a government official and church elder from the immigration office who was going help me get a visa in town. I only heard later that word had got through to the airport that they should NOT touch the boy, that being me. God had his hand upon me and gave me great favour as it was a relatively easy experience at the airport.

I then drove through the city of Bunia on all Murom roads. The first thing I noticed was the amount of piki pikis (small 125cc motorbikes used a taxis). They flew past you and was later informed that they had an unofficial right of way on the roads, they stopped for no one. It was again like being on a bond set. Dust flying un vehicles parked at corners and the local populations hurrying about with their daily trade and business.

We then arrived at our guest house where my beloved mum and dad greeted me with open arms. It was so good to see them and it was quite surreal seeing them in such conditions as its usually in the comforts of our own home in Nairobi. I then had a tour of chateu de missionaire . It was hardly a castle but not to bad at all. Running water at intermittent times of the day, 60% electricity bucket baths but all absolutely brilliant and comfortable. I also had the pleasure of meeting Charlene Harris, a longstanding faithful missionary in Congo. I also met Etienne an interpreter and lovely nature man.

Josh and the rest of the team where off around the city putting up banners and posters to advertise the Croisade D’Evagelisation. I had heard that every one was so excited to see me which was nice to know. Once they got back it was lovely to fling my arms around Josh and be reminded how much taller he is than me. Then came Chikuru, wow what a lively joyful and spirited Congolese man. Benson our amazing technical director came along with Diedone our driver.

Once we had had some delicious avocadoes and bread rolls for lunch we took of around the city to see how the posters looked. Mum had made up a fun game which was to spot how many posters where put up and then rewarded the poster men with 5 Congolese francs per poster ( 80p = 1000 DRC francs)

There was all sorts of trade and business going on around the city. A fair bit was in building trade. But the majority of money is made through Gold mining and money changing. I heard that not many have work so if one manages to find work they are expected to feed at least 5 others. One man who basically just exchanged money and currency was feeding 13 people in his househould.

We then arrived back to delicious spaghetti bolognaise prepared by the wonderful Esparanse our cook. I was thinking this missionary food isn’t that bad at all. The power then went off and we where flung into darkness but Char came to the rescue with some solar powered LED lamps. If I knew about solar panel cleaning Denver, then I would have definitely installed solar panels and depend on it completely. But it seems that if one is well prepared out here then life can be made easier. It was then great to hear some hilarious stories of mum and Chars experience with the rats in the last town. We laughed so hard and it was right there that I saw a great Joy and sense of community amongst the 10 on the ground here in Bunia, DRC Congo.

It was time for bed and I was glad to have a bed with mosquito nets over me. I had to share with my brother and it felt a bit like when we where kids again but praise the Lord I had a great night sleep. I was woken at 6 AM to the sound of drums and people singing and praying. All across the city they hold early morning meetings, which continue throughout the day. Although it sounds good I have been informed that many just think if they go to more meetings they will be ok and don’t have to truly surrender all to Jesus. I am hopefully going to have a chance to speak at some of these meetings so please pray that I get the right words from the Lord.

Next up will be a report on the trip to Bunia Prison. Praise God.








