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Ethur Presentation and Interview

By BAIMP, Cool Things, Design, IssuesNo Comments

I have been working on and pitch for part of my professional studies module at Uni. We have chosen to do a company called Ethur they are a missional based creative interactive media organisation that work on in house ideas that they have conceptualised along with other peoples ideas. They take a more direct low budget but high production value approach to producing. 

Deadly Viper on youtube

We had the privilege of interviewing Mike Foster the Founder of the Ethur and were able to talk for over half an hour on all sorts of issues. 

  • Ideas are crucial to everything but unless you create that idea and you put Meat on the bones as such they are pointless. I felt really challenged by this as i tend to get allot of good ideas but i don’t actually put these into action or even get them onto paper sometimes. So consequently i am going to try and get all my ideas down on my blog so at least people can then chase me up and see them. The question is what if people steal them and do them instead of me.. well i geuss that is fair enough if i haven’t been bothered to do them and maybe they will do it even better. Oops ranting on a bit… 
  • Relationships are crucial when forming a client base as these are people who you can go back to time and again and offer new ideas and work. These have to be based on integrity and trust. 
  • Scope schedule budget; these are the production principles that they use in each project and are really simple but powefull

Deadly Viper Charter Assassin is what we talk with Mike. It is such an amazing project as it seems like a huge budget site and idea especially with the book they have put out. I don’t think that it is fair to say, with asking Mike, the budget of the project. Though i can say that it is extremely low compared to what a publishing house or for profit company would ahve spent easily 5 times as much. 


The book, that by the way they gave out thousands (10,000) of which is so crazy but amazing, seems awesome.

They used 5 graphic designers that were sourced across the US using the internet and facebook. They also used people from their affiliated media company Plain Joe Studios that mike worked for as the senior creative director.

They have also done some really simple initiives one of is Junky Car Club

I think that if i could do what they are doing with such integrity and passion and able to just get work out there so quickly but with such high standard and values, I would be a happy bunny but sadly it does not happen over night and takes a while to learn and build up links so thank you Ethur. 

PS Keith Mason my good friend did the interview but i feel like i know Mike now as have listened to the Interview so many times 

PSS I shall ask Mike if i can put some clips of the interview up on this post..