Lesson Reflection Document
Class Year 9s Colaborative Group Project
What we did?
We have started a group project that allows the pupils to come up with an advertising campaign to promote a corn maze or maze maze event. The whole point is that they choose what avenues of advertising they want to use and the programs that can best create these adverts.
So we broke up in to teams of 3-5 and i asked them to find a company name imagining they where the design and advertising team of this event or company.
They then created a document that I had prepared to answer questions such as what types of adverts they were going to use and who in the group was going make this section. I also asked them to think about their audience.
What went well?
I was able to get them split into groups fairly seamlessly this showed good management
I was able to emphasize how each team member needs to have a role to play and be a part of the team working on something constantly. I created the illusion that this was a professional group project but it also encouraged them to stay on task and not be sitting there with nothing to do.
I was able to go around and make sure that each group had an idea of what they were going to do and get some casual formative assessment by talking to the groups.
I was able to get them to email me their advertising campaign plan in order to some feedback to them via email.
I felt by giving them the freedom to do what they want within reason they took more ownership over their work.
The pupils even started making logos and design work on dreamweaver.
I felt i had good pace and kept them on task by setting mini lesson deadlines. I find that 1 hour is slightly longer to teach and the time can be chunked quite nicely
What could have been done better?
Pupils opted to use some of the less professional packages such as Published instead of Photoshop or indesign which meant i had to explain why it was better to use the other programs.
Some of the boys where slightly un motivated to start with so I will have to find things constantly for them to do and watch them but not let the others suffer.
I could have used questioning a little bit more to tease out the different areas of software that more or less effective rather than just telling them.