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Spots Kenya Project Synopsis

By BAIMP, Spots KenyaNo Comments

Spots Kenya is a holistic response to any place or location based in Kenya.  The notion of a “Spot” shall be based on a circumscribed area or allocated location.

There will be two levels of spots. That of the general location for example a shopping centre and then the exact spots defined within that area. Tags and categories will be able to be created in these spots to identify and create a large network of regions. An example of this is simply having Hotel spots or Eating spots as a tag this will be separated by location categories such as Nairobi this will then be categorised filtered accordingly

The application of this is to provide simple information and resources about different spots and allow users and businesses to interact through the social website.

Kenya is expanding and developing country that has incredible opportunities in the realm of new media. Tourism and Exports of Tea Coffee and Flowers are the main sources of income. As a rapidly expanding middle class emerges people are also interacting more with the entertainments of Kenya. This need highlights the need to have a service that enables and empowers people to interact on the web community.
This will also appeal to tourists and visitors as they plan to travel to Kenya.
The spots branding will be there to engage people to think up various spots that they have visited and would like to visit or would even not like to visit. The spots brand is not limited to just a web service but a viral and merchandise campaign of promotional content such as stickers, t shirts, badges, flyers and other viral videos and posters.
The expansion of this could stretch into an office being opened in order to process and manage this like a travel agent or estate agent.
A host of traditional social networking features such as user profiles, geo tagging, video and photography shall be incorporated. With the ability to share and collaborate across a host of platforms such as flickr , panoramia, twitter, google maps, and blogging based platforms.
The concept of each spot shall have 3 main elements to it.
1.    A featured section – which would be created by the admin (me in this case)
2.    A users section – created by a user  and incorporating the social aspects
3.    A corporate or sponsored section – this would allow a company to use this as a point of sale or promotion for their spot. This shall not be a main feature just a section to allow for income and money to be generated by the spots.

The featured spots that I will be coving will be based in Nairobi as this is the hub of economic growth and easily accessible to me. I would like to cover two areas one is the aspect of restaurants or eating spots the other will be hotels. At least 5 Features of each genre shall be covered.

Featured spots will consist of a text review and as series of photographic shots including panoramic views and a video review that gives a light hearted experience of the area.

Work Experience/Placement at InSkin Media.

By InSkin, PlacementOne Comment

Well i have officially been at InSkin Media for about 2 weeks now…it has completely shot by…

This is a short quote about what its all about…

What is InSkin?
InSkin is a patent pending ad delivery format that can be used by any publisher to effectively monetise online video in a way that is not susceptible to consumer blindness. The InSkin ad delivery format is rapidly becoming the new standard in online video advertising.

Basically its a really cool flash  ad platform that allows advertising that actually works whilst people view videos or even photos.

check out the ad below…

Patrick Knight is the CEO and is a great person to learn from and amazingly has time to even chat on MSN with me (About Work related issues ofcourse) But yeah its a great atmosphere and interesting how things are pulled together from all over the world.

I have been working on making the creatives and designs for the adverts. These are used two fold.

  1. For wining clients and advertisers that would benefit from the InSkin.
  2. The final ads that will either be served using their ad server or on the companies ad server.

Sadly i cant show you what i have done just yet as its strictly confidential until the campaign is launched.

I have also been creating a new bussiness card for them and have come up with a really simple but effective final design… just have to get it sent of to the printers…. look at the specific blog post for more details…

i will not make this too long but so far it has been really great and good experience.

check out the ad and their site that i am hopefully going to redesign.