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January 2009

Frozen Pond in Bournemouth

By Winter7 Comments


It was amazing as here in Sunny Bournemouth it has been so cold and cold enough to even freeze the local pond at the park. For me it was such a novelty to walk ice that once was a pond. It did get a bit scary as when some one else came near me it cracked a bit.

The image was just quite special as for this little girl it was the first time as well to walk on a frozen pond.

Do you like the boosted contrast.

Thinking of what whilst flying?

By BAIMP, holliday, MeNo Comments

Well if you are reading this you have manage to catch me whilst I’m over the English channel on our decent to London Heathrow. I’m sitting just behind the engines and they have been roaring a sollom song the who journey.

It’s been a good flight and I have managed to get some sleep I did try and sleep on the floore for a bit but that was interupted quite suddenly as it was not permitted on flights.

I write with a sense of anticipation for this new year as it’s is only about 5 months until I an finished all it formal education. Before I can get to excited I have to complete a 100000 word dissertation and complete my spots Kenya project.

The plan is to work hard now on the dissertation an get a good chunk done. Whilst working at least 2 days a week on spots Kenya.

It’s probably going to be a rather hectic few months but God willing I can and I will make it.

I was in church and the pastor was speaking on being expectant an having a expectancy for what the Lord wants to do and has planned for us. It was bassed on Isaiah 30 v 18. It is just really important to have a hope and aim and I am praying that mine would more and more be in the Lord and not in my own strength.

Well we are just flying though some clouds about to land me thinks. We have been prepped that it is minus 3 which is making me cold just think about it. At least it will cool my sun tan.

Ok landing is iminant so I don’t really want to loose my iPhone as we break.

It’s been great.

I’m going to get this out whilst in the air. Yup there you go.

Landed now sorry.

Taking josh to the airport.

By MeNo Comments

Well I am sitting here at Jomo Kenyatta airport Nairobi waiting for josh to check in. Sadly they don’t allow people to go into the check in area so me and dad are sat outside in the cafe. Mum made it in as the man on the gate had mercy on us.

There is a strange sense of sadness the I always feel when at the this part if the airport as it’s either saying by to someone wheather that’s me leaving or saying by to fammilly members. I must say that it’s not always the case as there is often am much joy at the arrivals part.

I am impressed with all the amount of people that are comming and going it’s quite obvious that many are tourists. This is all really good for the ecconomy and if I was to invest in something it would probably be tourism in Kenya. I am in a way with my spots Kenya website and allmost wish I had sine flyers here to hand out as I am sure many of the people would add their spots of Kenya.

I just got a call from mum saying it’s chaos in the terminal which is not a good thing. If joshs flight is late then he will not catch hi train back to Millfield and then have to sleep at my friends house in ealing. It would just be a hug inconvenience as he has mock gcse exams starting tommorow.

Well I best go and see how I can help.

You can follow my Twitter and look at the twitpics in the side bar.

Ps this was all done on location using my iPhone with a Kenyan orange sim. It’s great to be connected when you want to be.