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January 2013

Leaving and Retuning to Facebook – A Christ Followers Perspective!

By Christianity, Personal119 Comments

So fellow readers I am going to in a few moments re – activate my account on facebook after being off it for just over one year now.

UPDATE – After being back on facebook for just under a week now I really can confirm that I do not miss it. I just really think that its too easy to spend unnecessary time on it scrolling through peoples accounts. It requires so much self discipline. So far its been an alright experience but its all to easy to let it take over and become about self. I have enjoyed posting scripture to it but I do wonder if people actually read it. But i know the Word will not return void and it will accomplish what it was mean to do. To point people to Christ and Glorify the Lord!

The reason I left facebook  was because of a relationship that came to an end. I really felt I and we needed a clean break and Facebook was one practical way to just have some space. At the time i was just not in a place to deal with all the pictures and posts that I was linked to and so felt to just close it down.

It has been one the best things I have done to allow healing to happen for me after the engagement ended!

God used it to just give me space and not feel tempted to look back on images that would be unhelpful! It was rather liberating really as I was not bound by its addictive pull. I also felt quite chuffed for going against the flow and conforming to the statistics.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

There are over 500 Million people on Facebook with 32827180 in the UK. Thats half the population! 5 in 10 1 in 2!

The exciting prospect for me is the chance to share the Gospel and Word of GOD to potentially half a billion people!

It allowed me to spend more time reading the Bible and Praying because I was less distracted! So if you feel distracted by it why not go off Facebook for a bit and spend that time reading the bible and praying and just watch how your personal walk with Jesus grows from strength to strength! Go for it!

Do it with a purpose and the purpose to get closer to the King of Kings!

I have been so blessed by using twitter to share the Word of God with people who follow me! Twitter in my opinion is much better because it is less intrusive and personal!

Now when I did it back in the first week of January It was fairly easy to find out how  after doing a few google searches!

It is time now for me to go back on it and again I am excited about one thing and one thing alone! This to share the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST through the LIVING WORD OF GOD!

I am going to go for it and not pull any punches with sharing my faith! I know that it will not be easy as there will be some opposition and even temptation to focus on self. So I must be strong and the only way i am going to be able to glorify the Lord in what post is going to be through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT

Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.

Facebook is a great tool to share the Gospel and tell people about how Jesus has transformed your life. My challenge to you who read this is are you living for Christ wholeheartedly when you use facebook!

My prayer is this

Lord help me to glorify God by posting His Word and encouraging others to get closer to Christ! Oh lord may it not be for my gain but for Your Glory! May others be blessed by the posts and scriptures I put on! May I be lead by the #HolySpiritto post content that would glorify you Lord! Lord if it becomes about me or not pleasing in your sight may I have no peace! In the name of Jesus. Amen!