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Leaving and Retuning to Facebook – A Christ Followers Perspective!

By Christianity, Personal119 Comments

So fellow readers I am going to in a few moments re – activate my account on facebook after being off it for just over one year now.

UPDATE – After being back on facebook for just under a week now I really can confirm that I do not miss it. I just really think that its too easy to spend unnecessary time on it scrolling through peoples accounts. It requires so much self discipline. So far its been an alright experience but its all to easy to let it take over and become about self. I have enjoyed posting scripture to it but I do wonder if people actually read it. But i know the Word will not return void and it will accomplish what it was mean to do. To point people to Christ and Glorify the Lord!

The reason I left facebook  was because of a relationship that came to an end. I really felt I and we needed a clean break and Facebook was one practical way to just have some space. At the time i was just not in a place to deal with all the pictures and posts that I was linked to and so felt to just close it down.

It has been one the best things I have done to allow healing to happen for me after the engagement ended!

God used it to just give me space and not feel tempted to look back on images that would be unhelpful! It was rather liberating really as I was not bound by its addictive pull. I also felt quite chuffed for going against the flow and conforming to the statistics.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

There are over 500 Million people on Facebook with 32827180 in the UK. Thats half the population! 5 in 10 1 in 2!

The exciting prospect for me is the chance to share the Gospel and Word of GOD to potentially half a billion people!

It allowed me to spend more time reading the Bible and Praying because I was less distracted! So if you feel distracted by it why not go off Facebook for a bit and spend that time reading the bible and praying and just watch how your personal walk with Jesus grows from strength to strength! Go for it!

Do it with a purpose and the purpose to get closer to the King of Kings!

I have been so blessed by using twitter to share the Word of God with people who follow me! Twitter in my opinion is much better because it is less intrusive and personal!

Now when I did it back in the first week of January It was fairly easy to find out how  after doing a few google searches!

It is time now for me to go back on it and again I am excited about one thing and one thing alone! This to share the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST through the LIVING WORD OF GOD!

I am going to go for it and not pull any punches with sharing my faith! I know that it will not be easy as there will be some opposition and even temptation to focus on self. So I must be strong and the only way i am going to be able to glorify the Lord in what post is going to be through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT

Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.

Facebook is a great tool to share the Gospel and tell people about how Jesus has transformed your life. My challenge to you who read this is are you living for Christ wholeheartedly when you use facebook!

My prayer is this

Lord help me to glorify God by posting His Word and encouraging others to get closer to Christ! Oh lord may it not be for my gain but for Your Glory! May others be blessed by the posts and scriptures I put on! May I be lead by the #HolySpiritto post content that would glorify you Lord! Lord if it becomes about me or not pleasing in your sight may I have no peace! In the name of Jesus. Amen!

A great time

By BAIMP, Personal125 Comments

It’s been an awesome few days what with finishing all my degree work and being up in london for a great graduation show. Check out Even having some possible investment into spots Keny

I have had about six potential employers show interest in and the way it is all rounded from design to functionality especially my branding and photography. Check it out and tell me what you think.

It’s going to be great to to keep in contact over the next year with the industry even though I am going to be doing a gap year as a teaching assistent in bath at Monkton.

Has any one got any tips how to keep in contact with industry people.

I am sorry there has been such a delay in blog posts over the last few months.

Ooh and if you are in london cone to brick lane and see our screen grab show at the old Truman brewery.

Here’s a few pics of my time in london. It has so much to offer. From the new to the old.

Artcaffe Nairobi Personal Review | Trendy cafe Nairobi Art Cafe

By Cool Things, Hot Spots, Me, PersonalNo Comments
As i write this i am sitting in the new hip trendy artcafe in nairobi… I am on the internet for 2 KES a minute and have just finished my tasty De-caffe Mochanino. It was rather good… a bit sweet so i asked for a litle bit of frothed milk and that made it perfect…
Me in artcaffe

Its really trendy in here and the décor is on par with European standards. It is situated in

the Westgate shopping mall and has been going for 8 months now…. the things that makes it is the flooring and the simple design of the lighting and cream colours…

Art Caffe Floor
Art Caffe Nairobi Inside

The staff are friendly and the service is pretty good but I doo feel that it a bit of an over kill with more than 15 people on the floor at one point.. i think that if they had some serious training and concentrated on fewer then that might raise the standards. I would be happy working here it must be one of the trendiest jobs in the country..

Art Cafe Lights

Art Caffe Video Inside

Tim In Artcaffe

Well all in all its really great and i have enjoyed my hour here…. i must dash as im going up to NU Metre to see a film (Cinema) Also my internet is running out in a few mins and i want to make sure all of you get this…

Kitsurfing in Diani, Kenya.

By Me, Personal128 Comments

It was really blowing so we rigged up eh boards and kites and headed down to the beach.. josh was really excited and so was i…. We both wanted to get going so we got in a bit of a cafufle over who should launch who any way i won so i got going straight away.. I realised that my 17.5 was just a bit big for the conditions so mum ran up and got my new 12 metre flexi atom 08… thanks mum…

The new flexi was really great so smooth and easy to use…  also good and easy hangtime… i couldnt believe the ease of use compared to my 17.5 machine. The bar pressure was also so light compared…

I kited until it was dark and it was so cool just cruising on the flat water whilst the sun went down…

Lets hope the wind pics up today as its been raining a bit…

Relaxing in Kenya | Diani | Blog Tweets

By PersonalNo Comments

I am just taking some time to chilout in kenya at home. Its lovely to be back again and i cant wait to get down to the coast. I have 4 Kites and 2 boards sitting here begging to get onto some water. It should be really great to get some kiting done down at the coast but i am not sure if my 12 meter will be big enough for the slightly lower winds of kenya.

We plan to stay at either Diani Beachalets as its pretty budget and cheap but near the beach and really great if you are not looking for a posh place… the other place the we want to go to is to Diani Marine this is nicer but obviously more pricey.

FamilyChilling on the beach

I just want to say sorry about all the tweet tweets as i realised that there is no point putting them as daily blog digests as they are on the side bar…. but it was handy as i have been so busy at inskin media but it did kindof take away from some other more interesting blog posts… so if you you want to follow my tweets then look me up on twitter ( ). I cant say how much i think twitter is an awesome internet application… please all my mates get on it and follow me…

What is the plan for my future with the grand scheme of things…

By Beliefs, Christianity, Me, PersonalNo Comments

This blog post is a follow on from a comment on Anne Jacksons Blog

Wow that is very humbling and inspiring as i am 21 at the moment and about to finish Uni. Thankfully i am not in any dept through the fees and costs but in a years time i am going to be out in the big bad world with a Good degree under my belt and some potentually good jobs up in London or Anywhere even. Just if i take a stop and think what am I supposed to do with my life that is where I get stoped dead in my tracks I mean i could make lots of money and even end up running my own company with the sole aim for “Profit and Gain” 

Thing is i dont want my drive and ambition to be in Money and Personal gain.  I want to be able to give something back that will be eternally lasting and worthwhile. My mate Keith Mason and i were recently talking about this… I think this comes about when our perspective goes from being a taker and consumer to a Giver and Maker and though this the focus is not so much what i can get out this bit of work but what it can do to help other people in one way or another. 

I do feel that there are many different areas that i would like to go into but i do think that i want to Help my parrents with the work that they are doing in Africa. take a look at . Its for me more about fulfilling the great commission that Christ has place on each and every person. 

The great commission is very simple it is about spreading the Good News of Christ.

Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission

 16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The good news of Christ is that he gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins so that if we believe in him we would have eternal life… 

John 3:16 16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I know that i have digressed but what i am trying to say is that for me, Anne and many others, there is more to life than just making lots of money, taxes and death. There is something that is eternal and it is that future hope that i look forward to and I would encourage everyone who reads this to really think about.

Do people think that you go down a career path that can make a ton of money but not get caught up in the system and ultimately fail to help people???

The last week and the one to come…

By Issues, Me, Personal, Personal ExperienceNo Comments

Well i have had a really great with my bro. He was on his halfterm from school. I went down to get him from Street Somerset Last friday… it was really busy as it was Bank Holiday weekend… I just got back from dropping him back which was a much better trip only took about one hour and twenty minutes. We had a really great time talking about leadership and just issues at school and we were able to bounce thoughts of each other. Its really weird as the things that he is going through are so similar to my own boarding experience at Monkton, Bath, UK. The main thing we were able to talk about was the Deadly Viper moto Radical Integrity and Radical Grace. Thing is he is in a year that is quite volatile the 4th year sorta suspended in the middle of the lower end of the school makes it hard and quite a difficult year. I think the thing is to have a consistent character that does not waver with the the tide of boarding life. It easy to get annoyed with fellow lads or mates as there is always going to be a sense of one up man ship and competitiveness at that age. 

We were able to do some fun things together like se the the new Indiana Jones movie. I didn’t really enjoy it but i enjoyed the whole cinematic experience down at Bournemouth’s Odeon. We also went to the beach a few times and played frisbe with Dan. We tried to go kitesurfing but the weather was a bit strong and rough for my 17 metre.

This next week is all about getting my work placement sorted out and really pushing for a good one. I really want to work with Campbell Rowley a photographic design agency as they seem really top of their field and like really great people. I just hope they give me an interview so that i can really sell myself and show how keen i am.  I think its so important to get to talk and meet with people face to face to that you can really show and tell them what you are all about. 



By Christianity, Issues, Me, PersonalNo Comments

I think that it is really important to be honest and use integrity when working on a project and with people. 

The bible talks in Leviticus about how we should be honest in simple things like weighing and measuring out things c 19 v 35-37. I sometimes get so annoyed when you see people share out things differently because they may have some pre-conceived ideas about them or may not like them. I am guilty of this as sometime when i am serving chips at my youth-club i give more to kids i like and less to the one that give me a hard time. I would say that that is a very easy-thing to do but actually we should be fair and equal in how we steward ours and others resources. Another example was when my house mate asked my to pay for the delivery of a car and he said he would reimburse me £35 as that is what he was quoted  but when it actually came to it it was £30 and it would have been so easy for me to make a quick fiver but if i had that would have been effectively stealing from him or conning him. 

I have also been challenged in what i tell people i am capable of when it comes to web design skills as it is very easy to churn out some fancy jargon but until i am actually able to produce that and put it into practice all that makes me is a liar.

This is a helpful scripture describing what i have discussed above:

Zechariah 8:16-17 (New Living Translation)

16 But this is what you must do: Tell the truth to each other. Render verdicts in your courts that are just and that lead to peace. 17 Don’t scheme against each other. Stop your love of telling lies that you swear are the truth. I hate all these things, says the Lord.”

I don’t want to blow my own trumpet as it is definitely not the best sounding but i am working on keeping things honest and by using integrity i think people with be able to trust you more in the future. Every one says that that world of say business is a shrew cut throat industry but i guaranty you that if every one dealt in this manner there wouldn’t be all the problems or recessions and rising and falling economies. Please don’t let that comment sound like i am against these industries as i am not. 

Please let me know what you think on this matter.