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Leaving and Retuning to Facebook – A Christ Followers Perspective!

By Christianity, Personal119 Comments

So fellow readers I am going to in a few moments re – activate my account on facebook after being off it for just over one year now.

UPDATE – After being back on facebook for just under a week now I really can confirm that I do not miss it. I just really think that its too easy to spend unnecessary time on it scrolling through peoples accounts. It requires so much self discipline. So far its been an alright experience but its all to easy to let it take over and become about self. I have enjoyed posting scripture to it but I do wonder if people actually read it. But i know the Word will not return void and it will accomplish what it was mean to do. To point people to Christ and Glorify the Lord!

The reason I left facebook  was because of a relationship that came to an end. I really felt I and we needed a clean break and Facebook was one practical way to just have some space. At the time i was just not in a place to deal with all the pictures and posts that I was linked to and so felt to just close it down.

It has been one the best things I have done to allow healing to happen for me after the engagement ended!

God used it to just give me space and not feel tempted to look back on images that would be unhelpful! It was rather liberating really as I was not bound by its addictive pull. I also felt quite chuffed for going against the flow and conforming to the statistics.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

There are over 500 Million people on Facebook with 32827180 in the UK. Thats half the population! 5 in 10 1 in 2!

The exciting prospect for me is the chance to share the Gospel and Word of GOD to potentially half a billion people!

It allowed me to spend more time reading the Bible and Praying because I was less distracted! So if you feel distracted by it why not go off Facebook for a bit and spend that time reading the bible and praying and just watch how your personal walk with Jesus grows from strength to strength! Go for it!

Do it with a purpose and the purpose to get closer to the King of Kings!

I have been so blessed by using twitter to share the Word of God with people who follow me! Twitter in my opinion is much better because it is less intrusive and personal!

Now when I did it back in the first week of January It was fairly easy to find out how  after doing a few google searches!

It is time now for me to go back on it and again I am excited about one thing and one thing alone! This to share the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST through the LIVING WORD OF GOD!

I am going to go for it and not pull any punches with sharing my faith! I know that it will not be easy as there will be some opposition and even temptation to focus on self. So I must be strong and the only way i am going to be able to glorify the Lord in what post is going to be through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT

Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.

Facebook is a great tool to share the Gospel and tell people about how Jesus has transformed your life. My challenge to you who read this is are you living for Christ wholeheartedly when you use facebook!

My prayer is this

Lord help me to glorify God by posting His Word and encouraging others to get closer to Christ! Oh lord may it not be for my gain but for Your Glory! May others be blessed by the posts and scriptures I put on! May I be lead by the #HolySpiritto post content that would glorify you Lord! Lord if it becomes about me or not pleasing in your sight may I have no peace! In the name of Jesus. Amen!

The commission of a Christ Disciple – from disciple to APOSTLE

By Mission121 Comments

Commissioning of the disciples to APOSTLES By Jesus

It just struck me how simple Jesus made it for us to do mission.

1) He gave us power and authority to heal and deliver V1

And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority
over all demons and to cure diseases,

2) He sent us to preach the Gospel and again to heal V2

and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.

3) Do mission by faith – rely on the Lords provision V3-5

And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.
And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

Conclusion – we must Go into all the world – villages, towns, our office, the next door neighbour and again to do what?

To Preach the Gospel and Heal the sick.

And they departed and went through the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. (Luke 9:1-6 ESV)

Isn’t it wonderful how simple this it is. We haven’t got an excuse really have we.

How can you step out and step into this. I believe everyone has responsibility to be an apostle in their own place.

We say we want to be Christ’s disciples but then shirk off the going part. We must Go for Christ!

Be blessed and hopefully also challenged.


Sermon notes on Proclaiming the Gospel

By Mission121 Comments

Roger West. – Proclaiming the Gospel. Preaching. GO

If no body goes and no body tells them about Jesus.

What is the Gospel. It is the good news. It is not bad news. The good news is. Psalm 103:3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, (Psalm 103:3 NKJV)

It brings hope. It brings Forgiveness. Heals all your diseases.

Revival will never happen until Gods people arise and go and proclaim the Good News. The Gospel of Christ. Psalm 103:3-5

It doesn’t just stop their.

Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. (Psalm 103:3-5 NKJV)

There has to be an announcer of the Good news.

People want the anointing but God says Go and I will anoint you. When you Go you find out that God is with you. Anointing will come upon you.

Why do some people not go. Because in their mind they think they are nothing. But when Jesus comes and stands next to a Zero. He makes you so much more then you are. You become a 10 and with many more zeros. We becomes hundreds thousands and then millions for Christ.

But when the holy spirit comes upon us all trembling goes.

Jesus is mindful of you and he is thinking of you. He is making interceding for us. He abides with us.

The purpose of the spirit of the sovereign Lord coming upon you is so that you can GO and preach the Gospel to the Poor….. Roger West

The message of the gospel must be clear. We must preach the crucified Christ. We must

The purer the gospel that is preached the greater the results. The gospel that preaches Jesus Christ and him Crucified is the most powerful message you can ever preach.

When we are moved to compassion. There will be two voices one will be what if and the other will be GO step out in faith. We must silence the voice that says WHAT IF.

If you see someone that is broken hearted. It’s a great opportunity to pray and minister with someone.

When you are full with the Love of God you will be most effective in your ministry.

Why is the spirit upon you – to take Love to a dark and dying world.

Can people tell that you have been with Jesus. Jesus is the greatest witness in you he will speak through you.

If I read the word of God everyday. Instead of ministering from empty the more I will minister from an overflow. Soak yourself in the word of God.

God has given us the privilege to each of us to be involved in the Work of God.

Why did Jesus borrow peters boat. He cold have just walked on the water. He wants us to

It hath pleased God that through the foolishness of preaching people would be saved.

There are many lost children that don’t even realise that they are lost. How will they be found unless they have someone who finds them and tells them that they are Lost.

Genesis 1 the spirit of God was hovering brooding over the face of the waters. He was waiting for the voice of God. In verse 3 the moment God said let there be light there was Light. God has put his word in our mouths. He is waiting for for me and you to arise and speak his word. The gospel. Then the Moment we speak the Holy Spirit goes to work.

But I feel week scared. Worried.

Who lives in you? The lion of the tribe of Judah. He is hungry and has not eaten at all. What you have to do is open the door. Open your mouth. let him out he knows what to do. Speak the word. And when you speak the word the holy spirit will come and he will confirm the word.

He is waiting for you to arise and tell people about Jesus.

The great commission is one ambition for the knowledge of the Glory of the lord to cover the earth. For every family,nation, tribe and tongue to turn to Jesus and the privilege has been given to YOU.




Jesus in Bunia DRC Congo Prison Mission

By MissionNo Comments

Day 2 Bunia DR Congo – Mission Trip

As I mentioned again I woke up to the sound of drums banging and people praying and thought that this would be a good time to read the Word. I have been reading through Psalm 119 and have been so blessed but also challenged by it. It talks about keeping the Lords precepts and meditating on them day and night.

David spent the watches of the night meditating on the Word and it seems that this is what we should spend our thoughts on. I have found it so comforting and strengthening to focus on the word of God. It is life to my bones and brings such a peace.

Psalm 119:148 Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word.

Once we had taken some oat porridge for breakfast it was straight off to take some pictures of some dear dear ladies. These ladies had been up all night cooking beans and rice for the 1033 prisoners. A arrived and they where so pleased to see me and where all really keen to have their photo taken. It was a tremendous amount of food that they where making and I don’t think I have ever seen so many beans and vats of rice.

We then had to rush back as mama ( my mum is referred to as mama) wanted to be on time for the prison visit we where about to do. We squeezed into two 4X4 vehicles and made our way through the back streets to the prison. We arrived and where let into the prison outer grounds and took a seat just outside the chief wardens office. We where all dead silent as our souls knew something important was about to take place. I found that all I could do was pray for what was about to happen. It was amazing how the Lord dropped a scripture on my heart.

John 6

35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

It was clear that we where not only taking physical food to the dear prisoners but spiritual food and sharing the most important meal they would ever eat.

Shortly after this I was asked to go and help with the technical set up. So Me, Josh, Benson and Cikiuru took a generator two small speakers 2 microphones and a mixer desk to the door of the prison. It was at this point that I felt some nerves it was not fear but just nerves. I was thinking what was it going to be like but thankfully was not afraid. We then proceeded to carry the gear in and then it hit me. There where over 1000 men crammed into what as about 50 meter by 50 meters of living space. They had set up a pulpit area in the middle of the prison courtyard. Over head was some tattered tarpaulin material sheltering us from the blistering sun. The men where all waiting are ready in great anticipation. There was a tremdous buz of swaheli and lingala words flying around many of which included the word musungi (white man). Cikuru and where rooted to the spot in the middle and could only but watch whilst the others set up the sound system. The floor had small canals carved into it with sewage running through it. The walls where decorated with scratching and paint. I think I saw a moc UN base depot sketch on one wall. It was hard to see everything as it was so crowded but there was an area over to the right of us that looked like it may be where they sleep.

These men where in the prison for all sorts of crimes the predominate was rape. There where men that had been there for over 10 years and would have been put in prison for murder and even fighting. Some of the military where in there also as a punishment for war crimes. The sad thing was that many had been accused of a crime and flung into prison then have never had a fair trial. Many have been waiting for 2-3 years to even get a sitting for trial. We where informed by Pastor Mario that the starting fee to get out of prison was 500 USD which a huge sum of money for some. The magistrates are so corrupt that if someone is willing to pay they will let them out of prison. The sad thing is that many will sell all they have including their land that has been in their family for years and this still not be enough to release them. But we know that Christ came and died for men such as these. He came to set the free and bind up the broken hearted.

Once we had finally got the system running (well done Josh) we where joined by Roger, Shireen and Char. We where then ready to share the word. Pastor Mario introduced us. It was good to hear him say this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad. It was true it was the Lords day and we where about to rejoice and be glad. I was then asked to pray which was a bit of shock. I saw Mario looking at me and I then realised I had to get up and say something. I close my eyes an just prayed a few words that came to me and seem to remember inviting the holy spirit to the meeting. This was the first time I had address a group of Africans and what a joy it was to be address the dear prisoners.

Mum introduced us all and josh and I got up and shared a short hello. It was well received and they seemed to like the joke we made about me being the brains but josh having the brawn or strength. They genuinely loved the company and where extremely receptive. All you had to do was say praise the Lord and with gusto they replied AMEN. We then had some praise and worship. Wow these guys can sing. I mean they would put to shame many if not all churches in the UK. They had a guy on a big oil drum with a cow skin stretched over it as the main beat then a wooden stick that slapped the side of the drum making a higher snare like sound. They went for it and boy they really raised their voices. It was clear that there is a culture of singing and praising and many of the songs where sung but a soloist followed by a response. It was great fun. By this point I was not at all nervous but in fact very much enjoying it.

Roger (Dad) then got up and started to pour out his heart to them. It was amazing. He spoke with Etiene and together they took the men through the gospel starting with the story about the Snake on a stick and how this represented Christ. Dad felt that it was important to say that Jesus saves now and you can receive everlasting life now. It was very interesting to hear a full on gospel salavation talk that explained what Jesus did on the cross as I had not heard one like this for quite some time. The men listened intently and where very focussed throughout the talk. It was clearly the power of the Holy Spirit at work. It struck me there and then that this could be last time they would have heard the Gospel and so it was entirely appropriate to go for the jugular and make a call for salvation without pulling any punches.

Shireen (Mum) was then invited to come up and lead them through a prayer of salvation. She asked that if any would like to receive Christ they should put their hands up and I noticed that a sea of hands flew up. There was no hesitation to receive Jesus. Then mum asked them to mean what they said and it was great to that they did appear to. They did and it was marvellous to hear them pray sincerely and really meaning it. Once they had finished prayed for the Holy spirit to come and baptise them and it was quite something. Nothing crazy or wacky but simply the Holy Spirit touching their inner man. They had their eyes shut and God was intimately meeting with each one of them. Some even started to pray in tongues, it was beautiful. Finally Brother Roger felt lead to pray for healing for them. It was very simple – lay hands on the part that hurts if everywhere hurts then lay hands on your head. There where too many to personally lay hands on so this was a good alternative. They don’t necessarily need the “evangelist” to lay hands on them as God can do the work through their own hands. It was interesting as the main area that dad felt to be prayed for was nightmares and night terrors and I trust the Lord has done some great healings. And the final final part of the meeting was to praise the Lord as mum felt it was good to tell them to praise as even in the prison revival can break out and God hears their prayers. It again was a wonderful sound. There was a chaplain who was also a prisoner and he was there and we commissioned him to lead more and more praise and worship sessions.

Then we split up as a team and this time it was mine and Josh’s turn to preach to the Youth prisoners.

We entered into a separate section that was quite spacious in comparison to the adults. They where all playing football and the prison warden got them to get some benches and set up some pews. I was completely out of my depth but felt the spirit lead and we where able to go ahead in the power of the Holy Spirit. The rain came started to come down and it was quite hard to hear things so me and dad prayed for it to calm down. I introduced everyone and then invited josh to come up and say a few things. He gave his testimony which was powerful and he spoke really well. I then got up and felt to share with them the John 6 Scripture.

35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

It was wonderful to have this tell them about Jesus and how if they follow him with all their heart they will have everlasting life.

I also felt to share with them Jeremiah 29 for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not harm you and plans to give you a hope and a future.

This was the first time that this verse really became real to me as for these young boys it was such hope. A hope for a future a hope. Then I invited dad to come up and pray with them. I realised that I was not fully confident to lead them in a prayer of salvation but I know that I’m learning quickly and heard how mum an dad. Thank goodnes its only by grace that people are saved and not because man has a special formula. We again prayed for the holy spirit to come be with them and it was clear that God was moving in their hearts. It was brilliant to see that some of them even started speaking in other tongues and where meeting with Jesus in a intimate way. This time we where able to lay hands on all of them and just bless them in the Name of Jesus.

After it was great to hear that one young man said that when he got out of prison he would work for Jesus.

One other chap had a bad pain in his leg and we prayed for that and though we didn’t see an immediate healing I know that God will heal him.

These young guys where mostly in prison for rape it was quite shocking really but praise God loves them just the same and no sin is to great for Jesus to whipe away.

Above all that happened today I know that the holy spirit will be working in their Lives and will be their counsellor and advocate. It is not by might nor by power but my spirit says the Lord!

What a joy it is to serve the Lord out here with the dear Congolese people.







Overflow of Love – Bible study on 1 Thessalonians and Paul

By Bible Study10 Comments

Over the last few days I have been reading 1 Thessalonians and have been amazed by the teaching and Love of Paul to the Church in Thessalonica.

Let me paint the picture a little. Paul was probably writing from Corinth, which is in Greece. This was not his native or home turf but it was where God had called him to. Praise God he was obedient to his call to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

Galations 2 7 On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised,[a] just as Peter had been to the circumcised.[b]


He was writing to the Church in Thessalonica, which is some 360 Miles Aw

ay from him at the time. Can you imagine walking this by foot…

It was one of the first Letters written to the Church around 50 or 51 AD. So it was a young church only really 20 years after Jesus departed to heaven.

Paul was under persecution and threat from all sorts of people. He was being thrown into prison and treated in such an awful way Read Acts 16 & 17. Yet he did not give up.

Acts 16

37 But Paul said to the officers: “They beat us publicly without a trial, even though we are Roman citizens, and threw us into prison. And now do they want to get rid of us quietly? No! Let them come themselves and escort us out.”

Paul caused such uproar wherever he went so much so that people rioted. It is amazing how much preaching the Gospel will shake things up. I think it is important to realise this.

Acts 17

But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city

So there you have it a brief picture painted of what life was like for Paul at the time of writing to the Church in Thessalonica.

I want to take a look at how much love Paul had for these people. Even though he was going through such hell and persecution he still had the love and desire for the people who he once ministered to. He had one goal and that was for people to have a Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. Right at the beginning in Chapter 1 he says something profound.

1 Thessalonians

For we know, brothers and sisters[b] loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.

The spoken message and gospel of Christ carries such power through the Holy Spirit. Words are not enough it has to be anointed by his spirit. I believe if we simply proclaim the Gospel the Holy Spirit will work and convict peoples souls.


In Chapter 2 I was really touched by Paul’s love for the people he preached to. It says he felt “torn” away from them in person but NOT in spirit. He had and “intense longing” to see them. I get the impression that Paul could not stop thinking of them. Are we thinking of people in our Lives and longing to see them know Christ more?

Capter 3

10 Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith.

Are we praying for people and friends around us to grow deeper in the knowledge of Christ? It is so important we pray for our dear friends and family and people who we interact with. I challenge you to pray day and night for someone or a group of people.. pray that God would supply what is lacking in their faith.

Capter 3

12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.

I pray that we would learn how to love people and others in such a way that it goes beyond our own selfish inward looking nature. I pray that our love for Christ and each other would overflow in our communities and friends. Lord would only you make this happen and help us be even bolder than the great examples we read of in the Bible such as Paul.


Please let me know your thoughts?

How can we be more passionate for people to know Christ through Love?

Does anyone have any stories of testimonies of people who have changed their lives just simply though loving them unconditionally?

What is stopping us proclaim the Gospel of Christ fearlessly as Paul did?

Does any one have any stories of how the people are fearless proclaiming the Gospel both big and small?

I will write a post about Gods Call to purity next as this is on my heart and comes up in 1 Thessalonians 4.

Blessings in the Name of Jesus.