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Year 8 Tutoring

By PGCE, POT 3No Comments

Over the last year I have been placed with a year tutor group. I have been heavily involved with these tutors as they progress throughout the year. As already mentioned in earlier post I have been involved in academic review days to give them targets for school. I have also been able to attend a forest of dean trip with them that really helped me get to know the pupils better.

The main areas that I have been helping with over the last term have been taking tutorial times over the lunchtime period. 3 Times a week we have a session where we have to organize activities and tasks for them to do for 20 minutes.

Part of the rewards system in the house that this tutor group is in awards them with stars for various things. These stars can then be cashed in for various prizes. For example 40 stars will get you a new DVD

The various things we do with them are as follows.

  • Check and sign their contact books to see how they are progressing throughout the week. We award stars for contact books that are organized and set up for the following week.
  • Give out notices that are specific to them
  • Do equipment checks – stars are awarded having all the correct equipment in place
  • Do silent reading and homework
  • Run quizzes
  • Run healthy living and exercise sessions
  • Do personal one to one mentoring

Part of my duty was to organize tutor activities such as quizzes. So each week for the last week I have been compiling current affair quizzes for the tutees. Each table plays against each other. I then read out the questions and then ask them to swap tables to mark. They do enjoy this however more recently they have been so noisy whilst delivering the questions and answers I have had to warn them that I will not be doing them and they shall do silent reading instead.

Please see here for latest quiz >>

Picture of Quiz Results below.

Doing this tutoring has been vital experience for my professional development especially as I will be taking a tutor group in my next school.

Year 11 Revision lesson Introductory Communications.

By PGCE, POT 3, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

We filled in a PowerPoint with a series of key terms. I asked them to put a picture with the description of the key term

To understand these points below.

(a) Modems and digital telephone lines

(b) Analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue conversion

(c) Advantages and disadvantages of using computer networks

(d) User ids and passwords

(e) Communication media

What went well?

The key terms where good to get them thinking about what they may get asked in the exams. The students where able to research and do more independent learning in the lesson.

In was able to use my TA well by asking her to go around and checking what they where doing with the slides. I had already prepped her with what had to happen in the lesson before hand. She was really useful and we where able to bounce ideas of each other and she was able to prompt pupils that where not working so hard.


What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

Students Learning 

I was not able to answer some of the questions in the PowerPoint as the key terms I have put where quite complex of the spec in the future I shall give a few examples and have a backup answer for each of the terms. I also needed to have a few better research locations set so that pupils could see where to find the key terms.

The verbal communication of the key terms and objectives was possible not beneficial as they just read off what work they produced.


Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

AB tutor a teaching tool

By PGCE, POT 2, TeachingNo Comments

At KES they use a client control piece of software cann AB tutor that is similar to RM tutor. This is a great tool for showing and demonstrating to pupils work that requires fine details. It simple takes over their screens and allows you to show them what is happening on your screen. It is really useful for monitor pupils work and to see what applications they are using. This is a good test to see if they are on task without actually walking around. I have also been using it to display pupils work at the end of the lesson which has been really great for plenary seshions. It really helps give instant feedback to pupils on the work they have created and is a good quick way of formative assesement.

I used ab tutor after i recieved some feedback that pupils couldnt see the screen and needed more feedback on their design work.

Although KES own the software some of the teaching staff do not use if for ICT lesson so i was able to give a seshion on how to best use it after I had become familiar with it myself. This was great for colaborative work and for helping others members of staff to get up to speed with this technology.

Forest of Dean Tutor Trip

By PGCE, ReflectionNo Comments

Over the lent term I was able to go on a school trip with my year 8 tutees this was a great trip to get to know the pupils well and build those vital relationships. I was able to lead several activities to help promote indipendant survival skils just to manage and co ordinate several expeditions.

We had to deal with children that had not been away from parents before and had full responsibility of their diet and wellbeing.

We also had evening reviews with my colleagues to asses what had been achieved in the day and to plan for the next day.

It gave me chances to take kids on walks and for them to learn in out of school contexts.