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Questioning – Derek O’Rourke

By PGCE, SD - ICT, Seminars123 Comments

Today we have had the privilege of having Derek O’Rourke speak to us as a guest lecturer in our ICT seminar.

He is the AST for wiltshire and was mainly giving us a lecture on questioning in the classroom

Below are the notes that I made
We were shown this video as an intro to the session.

How do you bring young people with you “herd them in the classroom”

The use of “Active Expression” by promethean for questioning. It helps everyone participate.

Questioning is about developing your own style in it

If you start antagonizing pupils with personal questions about themselves they will clam up and not want to engage.

Be prepared to have experts in the room who know what is going on and promote their excellence so that they can help other people.

What do your do when you have a pupil who does not engage and does not respond to questions.

Don’t dismiss pupils who get it wrong!

Why ask questions?

  • Be positive when you ask them questions.
  • AFL
  • Building good relationships with the pupils building the repore
  • Controlling the classroom

The use of big track a really cool control truck for learning control and allows pupils the chance to have a go at talking and problem solving

Use sound for questioning. Maybe record some other teachers doing the questions on a Dictaphone edit it on audacity.

Use a random person picker or random name selector. Like class tools fruit machine.

Don’t over use things like the fruit slot machine random name generator as it can get distracting. Don’t over cook it.

Say its not a television program we need to engage with each other both

It can help you learn pupils names. If you use a random name generator.

BBC archives for clips about ict from the 1960s you can then bleep out key words.

Top Tips

  • Be clear about why questions are being asked
  • Plan challenge into the questions (Blooms)
  • Provide time for answers
  • Consider using multiple choice
  • Direct questions by name or randomly

PLAN YOUR QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE – Look at the topic what questions do we need to ask for this topic to help them learn more. Think of something’s simple then build it up

Blooms taxonomy

Use blooms to plan your questions and when planning look at it so that your know what level of thinking the pupils are being challenged.

How can I help the pupils to respond?

Consider using a writing frame.

Use a voice recorder.

Reading list

Assesment for learning – putting it into practice Black, Harrison, Lee Marshall, Wiliam –

Open university Press

Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching and learning in secondary schools

Unit 7 Question Ref Dfes 0430-2004 G Pdf

Derk O’Rourke – Wiltshire AST for ICT

Diploma Year 10 Observation

By Observations, PGCE, TeachingNo Comments

Key Points

  • Use of questions when going through a PowerPoint that could be really boring is a good way to bring the learning to life and to get the pupils thinking about the key concepts.
  • It is important to question and asses if the pupils know what key terms mean.
  • Use of iPlayer and apprentice to make its fun and relevant. This really motivated the pupils as the actually enjoyed the clip
  • When using a video it’s important that you get them to think of some key points and make notes on those key areas.
  • Really good technique is to use RM tutor to pop up questions on their screens to answer whilst watching the video.