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New Photo Blog

By Coding, Cool Things, Design, photography130 Comments

Hey every one i have just set up a new photoblog as i was inspired by’s theme Monotone

It is a really cool theme that 

Monotone takes the first image attached to a post and samples colors from it for use in the surrounding layout. 

Basically it is like a cool little photo blog that is like a Chameleon and adapts to each photo and puts the sole focus on the image in the post. not more rubbish tiny images that are not framed right. 

As you can see it beautifully chooses the most dominant colour theme in the Photo 

Really nice interface… simple and powerful

I must say now i take my hat of to Noel Jackson director of Eight 6 for developing this cool theme and also for the help that he gave me. He was kind enough to sift through my feeble attempts to fix a .htaccess issue and rename and re point to the right directory as it was in a sub folder. Basically the .htaccess file and the  thumb.php are important and need to be set up right if not using it in a stand alone directory. 

It would be great to hear some feed back about peoples photo blogs and what ones they like using???

Please let me know what you think of mine and my images??

Thanks again Noel 

Make Child Poverty History

By Beliefs, IssuesNo Comments

I have just added an animation to my portfolio page and i think everyone who reads this should go have a look at it as i think its pretty good and powerful.

Clocks Animation

It is basically a short animation that is trying to raise awareness with all the issues with Child Poverty.

Portfolio PAGE

Animation Site 

I was in a maths lesson and my Teach Dr. Pomeroy had a bracelet that was the make poverty history one with a little hifen or accent that added in the word child  marked in red. I was really challenged by this and took it on as the basis of this project. I have never yet managed to thank her but I will do. 

I think that children are the worst effected by poverty and is clearly evident with all the terrible pre famine warnings that are coming from across the world. Namely Ethiopia and India. As children cant defend them selves against this it is up to us to actually make a difference and help as much as we can to alleviating the problem.

One of the ways you can do this is by supporting a child through Compassion 

Please can we talk about this issue and can people tell me what they think of the animation i made?

Do people realise how many children are actually dying due to starvation and disease??

Should we be using Scare Tactics with the statistics?? 

Lets discus

What is the plan for my future with the grand scheme of things…

By Beliefs, Christianity, Me, PersonalNo Comments

This blog post is a follow on from a comment on Anne Jacksons Blog

Wow that is very humbling and inspiring as i am 21 at the moment and about to finish Uni. Thankfully i am not in any dept through the fees and costs but in a years time i am going to be out in the big bad world with a Good degree under my belt and some potentually good jobs up in London or Anywhere even. Just if i take a stop and think what am I supposed to do with my life that is where I get stoped dead in my tracks I mean i could make lots of money and even end up running my own company with the sole aim for “Profit and Gain” 

Thing is i dont want my drive and ambition to be in Money and Personal gain.  I want to be able to give something back that will be eternally lasting and worthwhile. My mate Keith Mason and i were recently talking about this… I think this comes about when our perspective goes from being a taker and consumer to a Giver and Maker and though this the focus is not so much what i can get out this bit of work but what it can do to help other people in one way or another. 

I do feel that there are many different areas that i would like to go into but i do think that i want to Help my parrents with the work that they are doing in Africa. take a look at . Its for me more about fulfilling the great commission that Christ has place on each and every person. 

The great commission is very simple it is about spreading the Good News of Christ.

Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission

 16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The good news of Christ is that he gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins so that if we believe in him we would have eternal life… 

John 3:16 16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I know that i have digressed but what i am trying to say is that for me, Anne and many others, there is more to life than just making lots of money, taxes and death. There is something that is eternal and it is that future hope that i look forward to and I would encourage everyone who reads this to really think about.

Do people think that you go down a career path that can make a ton of money but not get caught up in the system and ultimately fail to help people???

The last week and the one to come…

By Issues, Me, Personal, Personal ExperienceNo Comments

Well i have had a really great with my bro. He was on his halfterm from school. I went down to get him from Street Somerset Last friday… it was really busy as it was Bank Holiday weekend… I just got back from dropping him back which was a much better trip only took about one hour and twenty minutes. We had a really great time talking about leadership and just issues at school and we were able to bounce thoughts of each other. Its really weird as the things that he is going through are so similar to my own boarding experience at Monkton, Bath, UK. The main thing we were able to talk about was the Deadly Viper moto Radical Integrity and Radical Grace. Thing is he is in a year that is quite volatile the 4th year sorta suspended in the middle of the lower end of the school makes it hard and quite a difficult year. I think the thing is to have a consistent character that does not waver with the the tide of boarding life. It easy to get annoyed with fellow lads or mates as there is always going to be a sense of one up man ship and competitiveness at that age. 

We were able to do some fun things together like se the the new Indiana Jones movie. I didn’t really enjoy it but i enjoyed the whole cinematic experience down at Bournemouth’s Odeon. We also went to the beach a few times and played frisbe with Dan. We tried to go kitesurfing but the weather was a bit strong and rough for my 17 metre.

This next week is all about getting my work placement sorted out and really pushing for a good one. I really want to work with Campbell Rowley a photographic design agency as they seem really top of their field and like really great people. I just hope they give me an interview so that i can really sell myself and show how keen i am.  I think its so important to get to talk and meet with people face to face to that you can really show and tell them what you are all about. 


Ethur Presentation and Interview

By BAIMP, Cool Things, Design, IssuesNo Comments

I have been working on and pitch for part of my professional studies module at Uni. We have chosen to do a company called Ethur they are a missional based creative interactive media organisation that work on in house ideas that they have conceptualised along with other peoples ideas. They take a more direct low budget but high production value approach to producing. 

Deadly Viper on youtube

We had the privilege of interviewing Mike Foster the Founder of the Ethur and were able to talk for over half an hour on all sorts of issues. 

  • Ideas are crucial to everything but unless you create that idea and you put Meat on the bones as such they are pointless. I felt really challenged by this as i tend to get allot of good ideas but i don’t actually put these into action or even get them onto paper sometimes. So consequently i am going to try and get all my ideas down on my blog so at least people can then chase me up and see them. The question is what if people steal them and do them instead of me.. well i geuss that is fair enough if i haven’t been bothered to do them and maybe they will do it even better. Oops ranting on a bit… 
  • Relationships are crucial when forming a client base as these are people who you can go back to time and again and offer new ideas and work. These have to be based on integrity and trust. 
  • Scope schedule budget; these are the production principles that they use in each project and are really simple but powefull

Deadly Viper Charter Assassin is what we talk with Mike. It is such an amazing project as it seems like a huge budget site and idea especially with the book they have put out. I don’t think that it is fair to say, with asking Mike, the budget of the project. Though i can say that it is extremely low compared to what a publishing house or for profit company would ahve spent easily 5 times as much. 


The book, that by the way they gave out thousands (10,000) of which is so crazy but amazing, seems awesome.

They used 5 graphic designers that were sourced across the US using the internet and facebook. They also used people from their affiliated media company Plain Joe Studios that mike worked for as the senior creative director.

They have also done some really simple initiives one of is Junky Car Club

I think that if i could do what they are doing with such integrity and passion and able to just get work out there so quickly but with such high standard and values, I would be a happy bunny but sadly it does not happen over night and takes a while to learn and build up links so thank you Ethur. 

PS Keith Mason my good friend did the interview but i feel like i know Mike now as have listened to the Interview so many times 

PSS I shall ask Mike if i can put some clips of the interview up on this post..


The Image Bearer of God

By BeliefsOne Comment

I was watching two short video clips by a Evangelist called Reinhard Bonnke that talks about our true image and where our true identity come froms. Along with knowing who is our actual author. This is a brief sumary of what they are about 

Part 1

Do you know what it means to belong to God? Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, in Part 1 of this 2 part bible study, introduces the concept of “bearing the image of God” and the power of being in his image.

The second clip is the more important of the two: Part 2….

Did you know that Satan’s Goal is to wipe out the Image of God? In this concluding segment Evangelist Bonnke shares how both sin and Satan relate to the image of God and how you, by surrendering your life to God, can live every moment in His Power, …as an image Bearer of God.

I would urge anyone one and every one to view these clips as they are extremely thought provoking and potentially life changing. I don’t want to impose anything on you but if you do have about 14 minutes then do as they are really great or if you cant manage that length do pleas watch Part 2

Part 2

Links to Video Clips


By Christianity, Issues, Me, PersonalNo Comments

I think that it is really important to be honest and use integrity when working on a project and with people. 

The bible talks in Leviticus about how we should be honest in simple things like weighing and measuring out things c 19 v 35-37. I sometimes get so annoyed when you see people share out things differently because they may have some pre-conceived ideas about them or may not like them. I am guilty of this as sometime when i am serving chips at my youth-club i give more to kids i like and less to the one that give me a hard time. I would say that that is a very easy-thing to do but actually we should be fair and equal in how we steward ours and others resources. Another example was when my house mate asked my to pay for the delivery of a car and he said he would reimburse me £35 as that is what he was quoted  but when it actually came to it it was £30 and it would have been so easy for me to make a quick fiver but if i had that would have been effectively stealing from him or conning him. 

I have also been challenged in what i tell people i am capable of when it comes to web design skills as it is very easy to churn out some fancy jargon but until i am actually able to produce that and put it into practice all that makes me is a liar.

This is a helpful scripture describing what i have discussed above:

Zechariah 8:16-17 (New Living Translation)

16 But this is what you must do: Tell the truth to each other. Render verdicts in your courts that are just and that lead to peace. 17 Don’t scheme against each other. Stop your love of telling lies that you swear are the truth. I hate all these things, says the Lord.”

I don’t want to blow my own trumpet as it is definitely not the best sounding but i am working on keeping things honest and by using integrity i think people with be able to trust you more in the future. Every one says that that world of say business is a shrew cut throat industry but i guaranty you that if every one dealt in this manner there wouldn’t be all the problems or recessions and rising and falling economies. Please don’t let that comment sound like i am against these industries as i am not. 

Please let me know what you think on this matter. 

What CMS Should i use?

By Coding, DesignNo Comments

I am pretty stuck at the moment as i am looking to at how to do content management for my website as coding something from scratch is not my strength at all.. 

So i have had a look at a few open source options such as Joomla, CMS made simple, Expression Engine (Not quite open source though) and PHP Nuke. These are just a few that i have found but i have not actually instaled any of them on my my server as i want to try and get a good one to start with then work with that…. as i am not one to just start of with something that will waste my time… 

So if any one could shed some light on some that can help me

  • Manage Comments and Post to a Database.
  • Upload video, images, and various content. 
  • submit contact forms.
  • Generally edit areas of web pages… 
I am just curious how this intergrates with my current websites and how i tell it to edit say my resume page or my about me tab… i am assume i have to ad the corresponding so that i allows the user to edit that. 
I also realised that in my research that Wordpress can actually do all of this… how could i integrate the lush wordpres CMS with areas of my website. 
Sorry that all of this sounds really easy and basic but i would really appreciate some help on this matter.