Roger West. – Proclaiming the Gospel. Preaching. GO
If no body goes and no body tells them about Jesus.
What is the Gospel. It is the good news. It is not bad news. The good news is. Psalm 103:3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, (Psalm 103:3 NKJV)
It brings hope. It brings Forgiveness. Heals all your diseases.
Revival will never happen until Gods people arise and go and proclaim the Good News. The Gospel of Christ. Psalm 103:3-5
It doesn’t just stop their.
Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. (Psalm 103:3-5 NKJV)
There has to be an announcer of the Good news.
People want the anointing but God says Go and I will anoint you. When you Go you find out that God is with you. Anointing will come upon you.
Why do some people not go. Because in their mind they think they are nothing. But when Jesus comes and stands next to a Zero. He makes you so much more then you are. You become a 10 and with many more zeros. We becomes hundreds thousands and then millions for Christ.
But when the holy spirit comes upon us all trembling goes.
Jesus is mindful of you and he is thinking of you. He is making interceding for us. He abides with us.
The purpose of the spirit of the sovereign Lord coming upon you is so that you can GO and preach the Gospel to the Poor….. Roger West
The message of the gospel must be clear. We must preach the crucified Christ. We must
The purer the gospel that is preached the greater the results. The gospel that preaches Jesus Christ and him Crucified is the most powerful message you can ever preach.
When we are moved to compassion. There will be two voices one will be what if and the other will be GO step out in faith. We must silence the voice that says WHAT IF.
If you see someone that is broken hearted. It’s a great opportunity to pray and minister with someone.
When you are full with the Love of God you will be most effective in your ministry.
Why is the spirit upon you – to take Love to a dark and dying world.
Can people tell that you have been with Jesus. Jesus is the greatest witness in you he will speak through you.
If I read the word of God everyday. Instead of ministering from empty the more I will minister from an overflow. Soak yourself in the word of God.
God has given us the privilege to each of us to be involved in the Work of God.
Why did Jesus borrow peters boat. He cold have just walked on the water. He wants us to
It hath pleased God that through the foolishness of preaching people would be saved.
There are many lost children that don’t even realise that they are lost. How will they be found unless they have someone who finds them and tells them that they are Lost.
Genesis 1 the spirit of God was hovering brooding over the face of the waters. He was waiting for the voice of God. In verse 3 the moment God said let there be light there was Light. God has put his word in our mouths. He is waiting for for me and you to arise and speak his word. The gospel. Then the Moment we speak the Holy Spirit goes to work.
But I feel week scared. Worried.
Who lives in you? The lion of the tribe of Judah. He is hungry and has not eaten at all. What you have to do is open the door. Open your mouth. let him out he knows what to do. Speak the word. And when you speak the word the holy spirit will come and he will confirm the word.
He is waiting for you to arise and tell people about Jesus.
The great commission is one ambition for the knowledge of the Glory of the lord to cover the earth. For every family,nation, tribe and tongue to turn to Jesus and the privilege has been given to YOU.