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Giraffes Colonial Kenya

By Toned130 Comments


Well this is an epic post as it marks the return to the photoblogs sphere. I have been having to focus all my time on my degree BA Hons Interactive Media Production. It has gone really well and I can’t wait for the results Spots Kenya was my main Major and i also wrote a Dissertation looking into the aspects of online participation particularly the active and non active aspects of participatory online media. I want to publicly thank all those that have been a great help and inspiration throughout the completion of my uni degree. With particular thanks to…

Mik Parsons, Claudia Vieira, Joe Flintham and Marian Mayer.

This image is a bit of a trial photo really as I am just getting back into the way of new processing techniques and I thought that this was a good start.

Please let me know what you think of the overall strength of the image and if the proccessing lets it down.