This was an epic photo that took me ages to frame on the shoot and then took me even longer to edit and I still can decide whether I like the Black and White version of not? The thing i like most is the angles and lines and how they cross hatch each other. All in all i am really happy with the results!
What works best for the Image do you think as far as processing?
I have officially gradtuated and it was really great to finalize 3 years of hard work. What was even better was finding out that my parrents could attend only 3 days before so it was so special to have them there.
It was a lovely ceremony and I really enjoyed all the finery and outfits as it made you feel rather special.
Me and my parents went out for a nice lunch at the Royal Bath Hotel and that was really nice and relaxing.
All in all it was fantastic and I can only thank God for the great time I had in Bournemouth as well as all the people that helped me through.