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Joe Frazier a Legend Boxer

By MeNo Comments

I have just finished watching what was one the best documentaries i have ever seen. It was called Thilla in Manila on More4.

Joe Frazier takes British filmmaker, John Dower, back to the most hyped boxing match in history.

It was amazing to see the truth behind how brutal and racial ALI was against Joe and in my eyes it wasn’t just a hype before the game but actually something quite evil and sinister. I mean what can draw a man to be so harsh and un just towards another man.

Joe Frazier even helped out Ali when he lost his license and even gave him money.

Maybe the documentary was quite biased but I just cant see how Ali can be hailed such a great sportsman when he was so terrible to one of his components.

An in the final match between them i was hoping Joe would have one but sadly it was called off and Ali won by default.. It was interesting the shortly after that Ali collapsed and who knows but maybe he would have lost as Joe Frasier wanted to carry on. The problem was he couldn’t see as he had lost his sight in one eye and the other was closing up

Here’s a great video of Joe Frazier

The final interesting thing is how Ali is now so wealthy through selling posters and endorsements and Joe is living in the back room of his Gym that he owns in Philadelphia. It just shows how the media plays a huge part in the wealth of someone. But ultimately what has it lead to?

Spiritual Blessings in Christ

By ChristianityNo Comments

I was emailed by my mum about 5 days ago advising me to read Ephesians 1 and 2 and thought yeah will do once i have finished with my current study on Mark gospel .

What followed was really interesting. The study we did with the young people on the last Sunday morning was on Ephesians 1. This at first was like yeah cool but then realised that it was quite a coincidence that we were doing that in the group. Then last knight at CU (Christian Union) we had a talk on Ephesians 2 and 3 and that was really interesting again as twice we had been doing Ephesians.

I really feel that God has been on my case to do this and read Ephesians 1 and 2 and i have and the first bit is just amazing.

There is so much packed into this first verse so i am just going to take this first bit and break that down into two chunks

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

The first thing that strikes me is the praising of the lord. Its so so important to do this and to really give God the Glory. The second thing is that we are given every spiritual blessing whilst living here on earth but operating in the spiritual realm. The key thing here being that its every not just one or two but every.

The other aspect is that we are predestined to be “holy and blameless in his sight.” which means that there is hope and we are meant to be striving for this and we don’t have to submit to the old saying that is “oh I’m only human”.

In love 5he[c] predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

Again its just puts the focus back to God and takes it away from us and not just our selfish ambition but in fact for his praise.

The wording is beautiful as it summarizes the Gospel so concisely. God has given us his one and only Son Jesus and he has done this freely for every one so that whoever believes in Him would have everlasting life.

Frozen Pond in Bournemouth

Thinking of what whilst flying?

By BAIMP, holliday, MeNo Comments

Well if you are reading this you have manage to catch me whilst I’m over the English channel on our decent to London Heathrow. I’m sitting just behind the engines and they have been roaring a sollom song the who journey.

It’s been a good flight and I have managed to get some sleep I did try and sleep on the floore for a bit but that was interupted quite suddenly as it was not permitted on flights.

I write with a sense of anticipation for this new year as it’s is only about 5 months until I an finished all it formal education. Before I can get to excited I have to complete a 100000 word dissertation and complete my spots Kenya project.

The plan is to work hard now on the dissertation an get a good chunk done. Whilst working at least 2 days a week on spots Kenya.

It’s probably going to be a rather hectic few months but God willing I can and I will make it.

I was in church and the pastor was speaking on being expectant an having a expectancy for what the Lord wants to do and has planned for us. It was bassed on Isaiah 30 v 18. It is just really important to have a hope and aim and I am praying that mine would more and more be in the Lord and not in my own strength.

Well we are just flying though some clouds about to land me thinks. We have been prepped that it is minus 3 which is making me cold just think about it. At least it will cool my sun tan.

Ok landing is iminant so I don’t really want to loose my iPhone as we break.

It’s been great.

I’m going to get this out whilst in the air. Yup there you go.

Landed now sorry.

Taking josh to the airport.

By MeNo Comments

Well I am sitting here at Jomo Kenyatta airport Nairobi waiting for josh to check in. Sadly they don’t allow people to go into the check in area so me and dad are sat outside in the cafe. Mum made it in as the man on the gate had mercy on us.

There is a strange sense of sadness the I always feel when at the this part if the airport as it’s either saying by to someone wheather that’s me leaving or saying by to fammilly members. I must say that it’s not always the case as there is often am much joy at the arrivals part.

I am impressed with all the amount of people that are comming and going it’s quite obvious that many are tourists. This is all really good for the ecconomy and if I was to invest in something it would probably be tourism in Kenya. I am in a way with my spots Kenya website and allmost wish I had sine flyers here to hand out as I am sure many of the people would add their spots of Kenya.

I just got a call from mum saying it’s chaos in the terminal which is not a good thing. If joshs flight is late then he will not catch hi train back to Millfield and then have to sleep at my friends house in ealing. It would just be a hug inconvenience as he has mock gcse exams starting tommorow.

Well I best go and see how I can help.

You can follow my Twitter and look at the twitpics in the side bar.

Ps this was all done on location using my iPhone with a Kenyan orange sim. It’s great to be connected when you want to be.

SpotsKenya – Buddy Press & WordPress MU Vs WordPress OR From Scratch?

By Coding, Spots KenyaOne Comment

Basically i am not sure what i want to use a separate installation of wpmu and wordpress…

benifits well these are simple..




more stable and easier to use.  plugins and code is simple.

themes and design is simple.

editing and making my own theme is simple.


having two set up mean they are not nicely integrated

i will be working double time on each installation

it will just be a blog really.


Wordpress MU & Buddy Press


the ability to have multiple users

an already set up social networking system

less work and more time to work on Geo Tags and Mobile functions.

easy integrated design

theme design can have a widget enabled system to syndicate all sorts of content.


DNS wildcard settings means no sub-domain creation on a shared hosting package… (could be over come with VPS but i dont have the budget for a VPS)

Code and already created php would have to be learnt (not such a bad thing as learning will give me the best of the best in this field) more complex coding.

limited to what wordpress can do and buddy press ( Just means i can add and develop my own settings)


From Scratch I rather not…

Basically no i don’t want to waste all my time creating a CMS and social networking system as i want to focus on the main important aspects like the Spots and the Geo tagging and google maps integration and the Mobile site.

The questions that came out in my presentation were i cant just create an editorial blog that i spend all my time censoring and editing… i have to create something new and innovative that i am designing as i wont get marks for using wordpress MU except for “engaging with current issues” so what was recommended was exploring the new areas and utilising those and that is what i want to invest time in and on..

These new areas are the use of Geo Tags  and locations services using pin point gps tags and the google maps API … I want to integrate this by using the similar system that google use on there site or what Joe Flintham used for bournemouth sound seeing. So help in creating this type if php and mysql integration for google maps is needed.

As Kenya has a huge mobile network i want to explore and develop a simple mobile site that allows for spots to be submitted and spots to be searched for.. I want this to have a simple search feature a add spot and top spots by genre and location. Probably using a mobile optimised site eg with nice lard text tabs and also the possibility on how to use a text message service.

I also need to make sure i focus on a few key types of spots here in Nairobi. One definite will be eating or restaurant spots. The other may be hotel spots or maybe hospitals.

The main thing i am worried about is not having something set up and ready to go. This is why i want to launch buddy press quickly with spots Kenya to at least start getting people creating there own spots.. and to be honest i think generally people are sensible which means i wont have to worry about filtering and censoring content until it gets big and people do start creating silly stuff.

I would appreciate some feed back on all of this thanks so much.

above is an old post that has a bit of a synopsis of the idea.

Lovely little story

By loveNo Comments

My auntie sent this to my mum who sent it to me and although I usually find these things cheesy and tacky I was really moved but this simple story of kindness.

It will only take you a moment to read it so do click on the lilt link below.

Lovely little story

Le me know if you liked it?

Bloggin whilst flying

By MeNo Comments

Well I am currently about thirty thousand feet above sea level cruising over south Italy. Incase you haven’t gathered I am flying In a Boeing 777 jet to nairobi Kenya on my way home to see my parrents and me bro josh.

I am sitting here waiting for two things one my food to come which is a bit late as we had some turbulances it was actually rather scary and I must admit a small thought crossed my mind in the vein of what I would do.

Well the food is almost here. The little trolly is parked up in front of me and I am thinking what I would like beef or chicken? What would you choose?

I am going to pause this post here while I eat my food and watch hancock. Just finished watching wanted and was not to impressed to be honest. Well that’s slightly loss worded it was quite impressive but I just didn’t agree with the spiritual post modern ethic that was woven into the script. I know we are meant to suspend our disbelief with cinema but when your belief contradicts with the moral structure of the narative then one can only think to him self… Why am I watching this. It’s just so easy to fill our selves with junk and what ever is pure what ever is lovely….. These are the kinds of things that we are meant to fill ourselves with. ( I’ll referece that when I can get to my bible.)

Hancock was a bit better and had a more possitive meaninig but just didn’t really think much of the plot. Some satisfying twists and cool effects though. Very arristotelian.

Oh yeah the food was good salmon but the sauce was a bit runny and could have had more flavour.

I have had a great chat to the lady next me called EVA was cool chatting about UNI life and just random things like movies. It’s always do great to talk to people on a plane as it’s always a bit awekward when you go throughout a whole flight without even saying hello. We were wondering how easy it would be to fake ones identity and pretend that you are a spy or somethin. I think it would be quite hard to sustain what do others think?

Well it’s time to try and get some sleep ad Its about 12:33 Uk time and my body is telling me to sleep.

I expect I’ll be back soon.

Well it was a good flight but am pretty tired now and about to have a nap at home.

Do you enjoy flying?

The new WordPress 2.7.. woop…

By Cool Things, Design, Spots KenyaNo Comments

I am so excited about the new wordpress 2.7 i am now a fully fledged wordpress geek and lover of the whole platform and don’t care what anyone else says but it is probably one of the best blogging and potentially one of the most powerful CMS structures available..  I am just as we speak downloading the new 2.7 release and can wait to get her kick started…

check out this video of what its all about..

I also cant wait to start integrating the socail aspects of it and linking it in with buddy press for the purpose of getting spotskenya run by it..

what do people think do you like it or not..