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Temptation and the worst of it. Jesus’ Journey

By Christianity, Jesus116 Comments

This is so true…Taken from 22 words

God said everything he wanted to say about ultimate reality in under 2,000 pages.

I was reading one of the Gospels and it was the 40 days of fasting of jesus in the desert, then the 3 specific temptations from the devil.  If you take time to think about all that happened what with him being tempted in the desert. Matthew 4:1-11

“If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[a]

Then being taking to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.

“If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:  ” ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[b]” Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[c]

An finally being taken to the highest point in the world??

“All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[d]

Its amazing to think how much is said in the bible and how in return is so clear and concise…
Despite all the temptation Jesus decided to take the hard way… and not give in to what could have been so easy…

Jesus could have easily done some incredible things to please man and earn their kingship but instead he decided to take the hard root and go through so much. Ultimately leading up to his death on the cross.

Jesus could have just taken the world as man saw it, but he had greater plans to redeem us and give us an opportunity for eternal life in heaven… he could have been so selfish but he chose to die for our sins so that if we believe in him we would have eternal life…

This is something so amazing if you stop and think about it as in essence Jesus turned down the world and ended up saving it.

Thoughts that I am still trying to get my head round are..

well so what Jesus ended up with the world and did anyway as he was God??

If God knows any way then why did he put Jesus through it if he knew he would make it in the end??

Some thoughts from others would be helpful and interesting.

Ultimately he did sacrifice his life for us and this is an amazing scripture to leave you with..

John 4:14

14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Changing to WordPress as full CMS for my Website.

By Cool Things, DesignNo Comments

I am seriously thinking of c

hanging my website to a fully automated wp managed site that i can optimise using their clever CMS system but still have the flexibility of changing design lay outs…

I really think i want to do this but the problem i am facing is how to get going i feel that i will use an already developed theme and build from that as a starting point.

Heres one that i really like and am thinking of using…. Infinity theme….

I also do like my current theme that i have worked hard on so please advise on what you  like and surgest some nice ones tooo..

Is this being lazy as in using some others designers work and then making it suit my needs..

Mee thinks not as i can use what they have do

ne and maybe better it and then move onto my own design once i have the system sussed…

i have just read a good post by one of my technical lecturers Will Goldstone

What are peoples thought

Guilt and Christianity | Getting caught up | Becoming immobilized

By Beliefs, Christianity, Cool Things, Issues, Me121 Comments

I just read a great post by Pete from a Pastor.

pleas read it first its only short… HERE

it is related to the main article found here by Relevant magazine.. HERE

My comment on the post is this

Gosh there are allot of posts so ill keep mine short…

I think that as a Christian we should focusing much more on the things mentioned…
we should be driven to lives of holiness by passion—passion for God, passion for the lost, passion for the Gospel, passion for each other.

i think we get seriously caught up on what we are doing wrong and what we have to fix rather than striving to more like Christ…

hence we can end up getting caught up in a downward spiral of depression and guilt that it actually stops us doing what is right and what God has planed for use hence we can become immobilized and actually end up not doing anything at all..

please check out my blog..

It was really interesting as i was talking about this with a friend about an hour ago and now this post pops up in my reader and is exactly the same thing… God must have been involved on that one…

do let me know if anyone can relate to this or just comment on Petes blog but it would be nice to see some comments..

Kitsurfing in Diani, Kenya.

By Me, Personal128 Comments

It was really blowing so we rigged up eh boards and kites and headed down to the beach.. josh was really excited and so was i…. We both wanted to get going so we got in a bit of a cafufle over who should launch who any way i won so i got going straight away.. I realised that my 17.5 was just a bit big for the conditions so mum ran up and got my new 12 metre flexi atom 08… thanks mum…

The new flexi was really great so smooth and easy to use…  also good and easy hangtime… i couldnt believe the ease of use compared to my 17.5 machine. The bar pressure was also so light compared…

I kited until it was dark and it was so cool just cruising on the flat water whilst the sun went down…

Lets hope the wind pics up today as its been raining a bit…

Drive to Diani, Kenya.

By hollidayNo Comments

We set off at 5:30 AM with the car all loaded up with mostly Kite Gear it was so funny as all of it was just Kitesurfing gear…

It was my first time driving down to the coast and it was a pretty hard trip especially for the first 120 Kilometers.

It was so bumpy the the whole car was just ratling and its not that bad a car, toyota prado, the other scary thing was the driving through athi river.. dark dusty busy was not the best of conditions…

We got into Mombasa time around lunch time and made our way through the incredibly busy mombasa town it was so mad, the pushing and shoving and people jumping in the road was the just a few issues i had..

Once we got to likoni our ferry cross was really great.. straight through and we managed to keep the AC running whilst we were on it..

Then of down to Diani past Tiwi past Ukunda left just before Ukunda right at the bottom and we were there finally……. Kiting Continues…

New Blog | by Theme Lab | Mashups | Lazy??

By Coding, Cool Things, DesignOne Comment

I stumbled upon this theme that you are currently looking at while I was looking though several… its funny as I stuck with a them by: styleshout | Theme by: Theme Lab . I know its a bit of a cop out in the sense of not designing my own but the thing is it would probably take me weeks to get to grips with doing my own desig…. besides i intend to change the main header image to something that  i have done.

I have been really enjoying adding all sorts of great plug ins to my blog and have found the lightbox 2 one pretty cool along with the all in one SEO one… i have also added super cache and that will hopefully speed things up….(its not like i had the type of traffic that they were talking about.. They said plus one hndred can update the cash frequently so that’s the setting i have put it on… I have also enabled the external link url plug in so that my nav bar or any post can link to an external url…. its a great one as i have other links that i want people to go too..

The problem or dilema i have is that i am not really good enough to design my own wp blog with all the PHP and coding that is needed but i am good at tweeking things and utilizing all the different API’s and plug ins and various functions…

PLEASE let me know your thoughts as i feel that i should be doing it all my self but what’s the point if others have done it and can probably done it better… ( i know that sounds apathetic or quite post-modern of me) its more of a case of learning from others and increasing this ever increasing web cocktail that is evidently the way forward.

The thing is that worpress has thousands of people working together on optimizing code and its all free so what more can one ask for.

I intend to migrate my whole site and portfolio over to worpress as its by far the easiest system that i have come across and it will help me update things quicker compared to editing and ading in each thing int eh html and then uploading this via FTP. Currently my bounce rate is terrible according to my google analytics as my home page is rubbish and boring.. so having it as my blog wil enable me too keep things interesting for my viewers..

So Comments please on if i am being lazy and what your thughts are on onlie mashups of plugins and other web aplications. PLEASE LET ME KNOW

Relaxing in Kenya | Diani | Blog Tweets

By PersonalNo Comments

I am just taking some time to chilout in kenya at home. Its lovely to be back again and i cant wait to get down to the coast. I have 4 Kites and 2 boards sitting here begging to get onto some water. It should be really great to get some kiting done down at the coast but i am not sure if my 12 meter will be big enough for the slightly lower winds of kenya.

We plan to stay at either Diani Beachalets as its pretty budget and cheap but near the beach and really great if you are not looking for a posh place… the other place the we want to go to is to Diani Marine this is nicer but obviously more pricey.

FamilyChilling on the beach

I just want to say sorry about all the tweet tweets as i realised that there is no point putting them as daily blog digests as they are on the side bar…. but it was handy as i have been so busy at inskin media but it did kindof take away from some other more interesting blog posts… so if you you want to follow my tweets then look me up on twitter ( ). I cant say how much i think twitter is an awesome internet application… please all my mates get on it and follow me…

InSkin Business Cards

By InSkin, PlacementNo Comments

I have had the privalage of re-designing InSkin’s business cards. The orriginal front side was ok but the back side was not the best and needed improving.

So above is what they used to look like and below is just what I came up with….

Its a really simple design that i think works really well, the Black front also looks better and accentuates the logo and to really get the brand out there we kept the logo on the revers.

I wanted to really make the typography big and readable so i made sure that the names and titles were nice and Grand…

The font is consistant throughout allong with the colors.

I quite like the green dots on the i’s its a nice litle effect.

Please let me know your thoughts and if there are any improvements to be made as i am still waiting for all the details from each person who needs one.

Work Experience/Placement at InSkin Media.

By InSkin, PlacementOne Comment

Well i have officially been at InSkin Media for about 2 weeks now…it has completely shot by…

This is a short quote about what its all about…

What is InSkin?
InSkin is a patent pending ad delivery format that can be used by any publisher to effectively monetise online video in a way that is not susceptible to consumer blindness. The InSkin ad delivery format is rapidly becoming the new standard in online video advertising.

Basically its a really cool flash  ad platform that allows advertising that actually works whilst people view videos or even photos.

check out the ad below…

Patrick Knight is the CEO and is a great person to learn from and amazingly has time to even chat on MSN with me (About Work related issues ofcourse) But yeah its a great atmosphere and interesting how things are pulled together from all over the world.

I have been working on making the creatives and designs for the adverts. These are used two fold.

  1. For wining clients and advertisers that would benefit from the InSkin.
  2. The final ads that will either be served using their ad server or on the companies ad server.

Sadly i cant show you what i have done just yet as its strictly confidential until the campaign is launched.

I have also been creating a new bussiness card for them and have come up with a really simple but effective final design… just have to get it sent of to the printers…. look at the specific blog post for more details…

i will not make this too long but so far it has been really great and good experience.

check out the ad and their site that i am hopefully going to redesign.

Kitesurfing | Kite Jumping | UK Hengistbury Head

By Cool Things, Me123 Comments

Me and my mate luke whent for a spot of kitesurfing but it was a tad bit windy to be frank and gusty as well as me not being aqaunted with this old Wipika Kite I rescued by fishemans walk. It was jolly fun and rather scary at times as i have not flown this type of old kite that was like being tied to the back of a lorry when it powered up.

Next time i will have to actually go out onto the water and try them out just it was a bit wavey for me and i had never flown this old kite before…

I cant wait to get a new bow kite so if any one else knows of a good deal then please say…

please say what you think of the jumps….