This begins a series of photos that was taken in Westbourne Bournemouth UK. It was a nice crisp early morning and there was no one around. So i ceased the opportunity to capture this Shopping hall that was completely empty.
As it is a rather old part of Bournemouth I thought it would be nice to sepia tone it so as to add to the old feeling.
I did this when i didn’t have photoshop. Picasa did a great job at toning it and as the image was good it did not need much post processing.
This is a really nice shot and i almost already think this will be shot of the series..
Again the depth of field here is what makes this one special and just so soft and nice to look at..
No major post production was needed..
I quite like how i have framed it as it sits at the bottom of the frame propping up the lush green garden behind.
This is a nice little tightly cropped image of… sadly i forget the name… but rather common flower in Kenya…
Again there is allot of depth of field in this and it works rather nicely i feel… it accentuates that nice red core of the flower…
Again just fairly simple levels tweaks here..
Would a more clearer shot with less depth of field have been better?