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Parrents contributions.

By PGCE, ReflectionNo Comments

We have just had a sesion on the importance of having parrents contributions in school and how we can improve this at my home schoo.

The main areas we looked at is how can we create a good link between the school and the parent and why it is important.

We identified that some parrents adopt the attitude that once their pupils get to secondary school they just expect the teachers to sort out their educations and they take a back seat role. This makes it very difficult to re in-force work that is needing to be doneby pupils that don’t put the effort in that they are supposed to be. It would be a  lie to say that parrents don’t show much interest as many do but just choose not to as the lines of communications are not so clear.

At my home school they have a good system for allowing pupils homework to be check by parrents this is simply done by asking parents to sign the homework book each week then the tutor countersigns this. These contact books are used by teachers to put warnings and merrits alike. This is so that parrents can also see this and it is a good way of pupils being able to show what they are achieving in school. Parrents should be actively using the contact book each week and teachers are not using it as much as they could be.

The possiblity is to use an electronic system of comunication with parents with a parrents portal. Independant schools are on the whole better at this as parrents are paying for the education and sometimes expect results.

If parrents can back teachers for the work they set then it shows pupils that they are required to do this and they are then usually inclinded to see the importance of this.

Lesson 2 OCR Nationals – Year 9MQB4

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

These are the learning objectives for the lesson…

To search for all the 8 different band websites.

To learn how to judge if their band website is valid or trustworthy.

How to save or bookmark favourite pages that you find online.

Learn how to organise these pages into folders and categories.

What went well?

I thought that my plenary went well. I asked them to stand behind their places and answer a question and if they answered it correctly they could leave. This meant they were leaving the classroom on task still.

There were constantly on task and filling in each part of their PowerPoint slides which meant that they were achieving allot. The total result was allot of work done in the lesson.

I tried to walk around and asses how each pupil was doing and if they had completed each part I had asked.  

I was happy with my delivery to them up the front and I felt that they were all paying attention to my delivery.

What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

I changed my lesson plan last minute which meat that I was a bit disorganised when I came into the lesson. I had to quickly finish my slides and resources. This was because I realised that I needed to take a different course of action as the logical order required me to talk about validity of websites before I asked them to source them.

I need to be more specific of what I require of them when explaining technical aspects as when I showed them how to book mark and create folders and sub folders I did not take the time to do this to the full. This meant that it was not quite clear what expected of them. I re demonstrated the book marking process but needed to give more time to this.

I was hoping to get a practical exercise to demonstrate putting sites into folder and the importance of organising and structuring but sadly did not get onto this.

My Feelings

Well I enjoyed this lesson and the pressure that it put on me to adapt and be versatile with short notice. I feel that if I knew this earlier it would have taken the stress of the whole lesson as I was worried I wasn’t going to get it all in.

Thankfully I achieved all of my lesson objectives so al in all I feel this was a good lesson

Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

Researching Online – photos and text – Year 8MQB1

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

In this lesson we had a look at good ways to research content online with a focus on text and pictures. The purpose was to give them some structure and guidelines on how start to populate their websites with good looking content.

  1. To find out some key points about your topic like using effective search techniques – what it is – history of how long it’s been an issue – a few key facts and figures e.g. how much GM food is produced in the UK. Also include one news article
  2. To gather some relevant images and pictures from Google image search and from a stock photo website like corbis images

What went well?

I laid down the ground rules to start with and set high expectations which went well and I was able to control the class without to much trouble.

I was really happy how I was able to start with a recap and get them on task quickly. I was able to use this time to make sure that each pupil was up to scratch.

The pupils were on task and achieved a good amount of work in the lesson. They are really beginning to create a website that looks good and could be actually used on the web.

Some of the questions were answered well

The where able to use their english and skills to write the work  they had researched to create the work in their own words. I had to make sure that pupils where comming up with sentices and paragraphs that where realated to the work and to make sure that it was relevant. It was interesting as some pupils literacy  levels where much higher than i expected which makes sense as this is a top set.

What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

I asked them to find content for their website and did not show them how to import it straight into their website. I should have said compile it in word and then paste it into frontpage. I think in the future I would make sure I have each instruction completely clear that allows them to completely get on with the task.

I was meant to show them a few more options to find stock photos so will need to make sure I plan for demonstration time a bit better.

Its was hard to just talk about some of these websites on the PowerPoint with out demonstrating them again I think its best to have a live example of the website rather than just image.. screen shots could be taken to achieve this come to think of it.


It was a busy and fairly tiring lesson but this was because it was the last lesson of the day and everyone was tired. How ever they did get a decent amount of work done.

I was really enjoying it and feel that it went well.

It was interesting as I enjoyed the time also when my mentor left the class room as this gave me complete freedom. This is not at all to say that I don’t like him there. It is just at times you want to please and glance over at your mentor for approval which shouldn’t be the case we are teaching the kids not our mentor.

Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

Diploma Year 10 Observation

By Observations, PGCE, TeachingNo Comments

Key Points

  • Use of questions when going through a PowerPoint that could be really boring is a good way to bring the learning to life and to get the pupils thinking about the key concepts.
  • It is important to question and asses if the pupils know what key terms mean.
  • Use of iPlayer and apprentice to make its fun and relevant. This really motivated the pupils as the actually enjoyed the clip
  • When using a video it’s important that you get them to think of some key points and make notes on those key areas.
  • Really good technique is to use RM tutor to pop up questions on their screens to answer whilst watching the video.


Introducing A02 OCR Nationals – Year 9MQB4

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

What we did & Learning objectives!

We started the new AO2 module and worked through how search engines are used including advanced search features on google.

These were my learning objectives

  • Understand the importance of search engines on the web mainly Google


  • How to use key terms effectively on a search engine


  • How to use advanced search features on a search engine


What went well?

I really felt my use of fun facts and figures about google helped get the kids on side things like “in this lesson google would have made enough money to buy your house that’s £180 000”

I felt that they all listened well and responded to each task that I asked them to do.

They all managed to complete first two slides of the PowerPoint with the screen shot evidence and highlighted and annotated.

Behaviour was good and no real disruptions  I think this was a set high expectation of the lesson and maintained them throughout the lesson as for example a kid had his head down on the desk and I had to reprimand him to pay attention and it obviously worked as he snapped out of it and no it was not because he was bored.

I completed all my lesson objectives and managed to incorporate

To have a chalenge at the end of the lesson about finding a specific site was really good and kids walked about talking about it. This will get a merrit for those who answer it well.

What could have been done better and what will I do about it?

I could have explained the use of quotation marks better in the advanced google search as some of their description were a bit woolly and not correct. I had to re iterate the fact it was to search for a group of words that make up a whole phrase and those words in order. In the future just be really clear about description and almost dictate to them the correct explanation initially but make sure they don’t just copy you.

I almost ran of time toward the end so plan to do plenary slightly earlier.

I need to make sure I have my lesson objectives typed up on power point before the lesson starts as well as the home work rather than doing in the lesson before the start.


I really came away from this lesson buzzing and on such a high note as i really enjoyed it and i feel that the kids enjoed it tpo

Please use this link to view my full lesson plan >>

Website Design – Lesson 1 – 8MQB4

By PGCE, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

This was my first lesson that I had full responsability over and all in al it was realyl good. I really enjoyed it and found it really rewarding. i have completed a full lesson plan an evaluation doccument for you to read. I dont want to waste any more time on talkin about the lesson as it is all in the google doc.

I will be doing full lesson plans and evaluations for one lesson a week.

Googe Docs Lesson Plan and Evaluation Doccument

I was also formally assesed by my mentor and the link is here.

I will also being doing shorter reflections in this format.

What went well?

I brought the kids in well

The use of ICT was an obvious standards that was ticked of well her and will be throughout my teaching. I have seen that pupils base level of ict capability is fairly good and this is something that i will be able to build on.

What could have been done better!

I will need to keep incorporating how to use english and maths well in my ict teaching.

I need to set my learning objects up on a PowerPoint that I can use clearly at the beginning of the lesson to say what we are going to achieve this lesson. So just list theses on a slide show with a nice format that is nice to look at..

I then need to use the objectives to aid my plenary and to check over that they all understand how to do the relevant areas.

I need to predict the areas that might be technically challenging  and have a good explanation of these and trouble shoot response

 I need to have further extension task for the pupils that finish early.

EPS Seminar Week 9

By EPS, PGCE, SeminarsNo Comments

What is required of us so far is

To create and fill in our reading log

To create and fill out our annotated bibliography

To complete our proposal question proforma

My Qustion to date is…

How effectively is the use of questioning in the classroom  being used to asses pupils understanding and progress in.

I want to look at different types of questions being asked in the classroom

I want to look at questioning techniques and which one work and dont.

I will be observing lessons and seing which ones are working well.

Lady in eps lecture who said she didn’t have time to go into it said she had a whole session of effective questioning

The lady Elizabeth barret hacking is the lady that will be marking my EPS and will be my contact in UNI

My professional tutor Anne will be my personal contact whilst in school and who i need to liase with Ideas.

Safeguarding Children – EPS Lecture 9

By EPSNo Comments

This is a really important subject as according to statistics most safe guarding issues affect new teachers in their first 5 years of teaching. Its not a laughing matter and something that needs to be grasped as important as it affects the obvious child that needs to be protected but also I need to be protected also.

There are a small proportion of children that are being abused but safeguarding is not just about those actually being abused but actually all children so there is a distinction between safeguarding and child protection..

We are looking at the Stay safe of the every child matters agenda

Child abuse is from someone inflicting harm or failing to prevent that abuse on a child.

Child abuse…

  • Neglect
  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse

Drivers of Change

This tends to be due to deaths after it is too late.

Key deaths have been

Victoria Climbie 2000

Lauren Wright  2000

Holly Wells and Jesica Chapman 2002

Peter Connolly 2007

Khyra Ishaq 2008

Lauren is a key case for us as teachers.

It sickens me to hear of all the horrible murders that have happened to date and i think that its terrible that people can do these sort of things to children. The question is would it have happened any way even if there was the best possible scheme in place to stop this from happening.

Some children are more likely to be abused more..

These include

Special needs

cultural issues

children who are privately fostered

children missing from education

Looked after children

Children in armed forces

Its not our responsibility to deal with and act on the issues of child protection but just to report and pass on concerns and worries that come to our protection.

Final thought

Nationally 10% of children live with abuse this means that 1 in 10 children in my school might be living with abuse.

Who are they?

Personally speaking I am not sure how much the current schemes and policies are being efective and in actual fact it is creating a culture or fear amongst teachers and parents.

Bits and Bobs – SD Seminar Week 9

By PGCE, SD - ICT, SeminarsNo Comments

Today we are having a looking at a series of bits and bobs.

We are going to look at a series of gadgets that will help us in our teaching that are fun and practical. Things like web cams, and microphones, Control devices like the Bee-bot using,

Death by PowerPoint

We watched this video that was really funny

Automated response units are a a good way to get feed back from the kids in a voting fashion.

Block poster  is a great tool to make a large posters

Audacity is a great free audio capture program

Posterous is a free online podcasting application

have a listen to our pod cast that we have uploaded to posterous

Cue prompter is a great website for doing a scrolling auto cue prompter and its free

We have been given loads of great links from Andy my tutor.

For the audacity part we used a large condensor mic that has a usb port and we used that to record out sound. We then used audacity to record all the tracks.

We had to just plan out our script and let it role on the script prompter above.

Once we had all the tracks sorted we put them into one linear time line normalized the volume and used a few fun effects to change the pitch and speed of the voices.

Its was great fun today and really enjoyed working in a team and collaboratively.

Behaviour Management – SD Seminar Week 9

By PGCE, SD - ICT, SeminarsNo Comments

Few points on classroom presence

Today we are going to look at some aspects of behaviour management.

We need to protect our voice as this is out most powerful tool to control aspects of the classroom. Pitch it at the right level and dont strain it from the throat.

We need to develop a real presence in the classroom this is done by having strong body language and conveying a almost dominance in the classroom that is not scary but commands respect of the pupils. This way they will feel more confident that they can trust you and believe what you are saying.

Tips from older PGCE students before block 1

  • Keep objectives simple and to the point.
  • Do not try to speak over noise when address the class.
  • Being alert to the whole class, take moments to look up and even walk around.
  • Don’t asses your lessons on how you feel they went but on how man of the learning objectives were achieved. I DONT AGREE WITH THIS AS WHAT IF YOU HAVE DONE REALLY WEL ON ONE AND ITS JUST TAKING THE PUPILS LONGER TO GRASP. ( It is important to get them to learn something and not to just be busy

Group Work

  1. Acknowledge the girl works in and then just say gena get yourself ready to learn and ill speak to you in 5 minutes. Don’t confront it to strongly. Cary on with the introductions. Then don’t invade space when talking to her..
  2. Diplomatic approach to speaking the TA say how you feel and then use specific example of when you felt undermined. You need to stick to your guns and be assertive saying that my authority is ultimate and that i need you to support me not undermine me
  3. Deal with the fight with your voice. Raise your voice in a strong way. know who you can call on and then if it is really escalating then you can get help.. separate the pupils immediately. calm the cheering and say its not goog to spur on.
  4. Dont stoop to their level… reprimand it but dont make a big deal of it. Dont cringe up and laugh about it too much as this will
  5. Give the pupil the opportunity to leave within a time frame and then give a clear ultimatum saying if you dot this is the punishment. Be clear and concise and black and white. Deal with the boys
  6. Have a starter activity that gets them on task and quiet and having something to do while you wait for all the other pupils.
  7. Give them an opportunity to own up and an amnesty to own up. maybe by email in with who it was and someone owning up. say its not acceptable and i will not tollerate this on my board.
  8. reprimand the Joke and maybe turn it on them selves and say that is not on.. maybe go up one to one and say the it was offensive. have a moral code that you expect in your classroom that is in line with the school policy.
  9. say maybe that well you will be an expert on it and you will be really good on it but state that this is what we will be doing in greater detail.


Banter can cross the line really quickly and can become over familiar to quickly. Over a while you can develop it and build it up but you must have the respect of the class and the pupils.

Learn the lingo that you use and be aware that some words will have an effect on their imaginations.

Top tips

  1. Don’t take it personally
  2. Be consitent – follow it through
  3. Dont be threatening or push kids int a corner. Threats – how effective?
  4. Criticise the behaviour not the individual.
  5. Is “control” possible? can you ever really control a class and change behaviour? You can influence but you cant control
  6. Assertion NOT Agression
  7. Nip the lower level in the bud.

Experience will give you a world of good and will build all of this.

Useful sites

Chalenges in an ICT classroom and

  • Playing on games e.g. flash games.
  • listening to music on sites such as we7
  • playing with keyboards and mice –  fidgeting
  • Talking to other children and being distracted by their screens
  • walking around the classroom and checking up on each of them
  • leaning back on chairs
  • temperature of room
  • changing the keyboard keys around
  • saving work or not saving it correctly
  • forgetting to log off on another computer
  • always asking for help and being lazy to not listen

Responses to the chalenges

  • Chunk the lessons up to keep them on task each time.
  • Don’t talk for to long
  • Use a 5 minute timer to be in absolute silence

Better professional relationships will create a better learning environment and reduce the frequency of low level disruption.

Teach First Video

Get the pupils to take pride

Should be at least 5 praise points to one negative comment.

Patience, Persistence, Practice.