Lots of people will know these websites but these seem to be some of the best and most commonly used websites.
Google Image Search
I really like googles new filtering tab on the left as this makes it much easier to taylor your search. The colour filter is particularly clever.
Flickr is by far one of the best if not the best image sharing website on the web today. Flickr has got millions of photos and the best thing is that some are creative commons share as you like meaning you dont have to have special permission to use them. The search could be a bit better I think though.
Corbis images
This is one that i just found recently. I really love the user interface and the way that it makes it easy for you to view the images. It is a stock photo website just to let you know.
There are loads of other great sites and you can have a look at this post here that has even more links to cool photo search engine sites.
15 Best Image Search Engines to Find Photos Online
The last thing i want to leave you with is a cool online photo editing website that I found.
This is a great site that is free and easy to use. You dont neet to even create an account it just works. You can edit photos and make them look really cool and funky or just touch them up to improve the way they look
This photo is one that I think you will either love or hate! What can be commonly referred to as the Marmite theory. It has some interesting deep tones to it that make it feel quite sinister but at the same time quite luring. Its the kind of image that would go well with a strong cup of coffee and a double chocolate chip bens cookie!
It was taken on Diani beach Kenya which is certainly not a sinister place – In fact it is one of my favorite places in the world. I have just got back from the most amazing week long holiday which was such a blessing and a great break.
I will be posting up more uplifting images in the next few days but please enjoy the “depth” of Sinister Seascape and if you like it please share it or leave a comment. Thanks in advance.