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Photos – Photographers – Photoblogs – Photobloggers on Twitter

By twitterNo Comments

Like or do photography and are on

twitter then post a link here..

ill start

I am a keen twitter user with a love and passion for photography. So I thought this could be a great place to get people talking about being on twitter and enjoying photogrpahy for what its meant to be.

I have been looking arround the twinternet and so far i have not found any sites that list or archive good photographers or good photographic content.

So what i am proposing is this…

  1. Get on twitter if your not already
  2. Post a link here to your twitter account…..
  3. Enjoy posting links and tweets to one another

But no seriously here are some tips…

Twitpic seems to be the place to be for small time tacky photos online but why not ad some top notch stuff onto there…

Integrate you photoblog with a twitter plugin like Twitter Tools This will mean that every time you make a new blog post it will update twitter..

Post links using the link shorteners like tinyurl or

RT, which means re tweet, other peoples tweets that you like and if photography is your thing then why not start now and join in..

Go for it…

Dont forget to post your twitter

link in the comments.. cheers

Cadbury’s advertising is just genius

By ads2 Comments

Its so clever to produce these kind of viral ads it really works and needs to be used more and more..

The latest one is really clever as its it appealing to a young audience as well as an older one.. the use of colours is really subtle and clever and the realistic scene ads to the authenticity of this.

The old classic one is just amazing also and really a ground breaker in this field..

Joe Frazier a Legend Boxer

By MeNo Comments

I have just finished watching what was one the best documentaries i have ever seen. It was called Thilla in Manila on More4.

Joe Frazier takes British filmmaker, John Dower, back to the most hyped boxing match in history.

It was amazing to see the truth behind how brutal and racial ALI was against Joe and in my eyes it wasn’t just a hype before the game but actually something quite evil and sinister. I mean what can draw a man to be so harsh and un just towards another man.

Joe Frazier even helped out Ali when he lost his license and even gave him money.

Maybe the documentary was quite biased but I just cant see how Ali can be hailed such a great sportsman when he was so terrible to one of his components.

An in the final match between them i was hoping Joe would have one but sadly it was called off and Ali won by default.. It was interesting the shortly after that Ali collapsed and who knows but maybe he would have lost as Joe Frasier wanted to carry on. The problem was he couldn’t see as he had lost his sight in one eye and the other was closing up

Here’s a great video of Joe Frazier

The final interesting thing is how Ali is now so wealthy through selling posters and endorsements and Joe is living in the back room of his Gym that he owns in Philadelphia. It just shows how the media plays a huge part in the wealth of someone. But ultimately what has it lead to?

Spiritual Blessings in Christ

By ChristianityNo Comments

I was emailed by my mum about 5 days ago advising me to read Ephesians 1 and 2 and thought yeah will do once i have finished with my current study on Mark gospel .

What followed was really interesting. The study we did with the young people on the last Sunday morning was on Ephesians 1. This at first was like yeah cool but then realised that it was quite a coincidence that we were doing that in the group. Then last knight at CU (Christian Union) we had a talk on Ephesians 2 and 3 and that was really interesting again as twice we had been doing Ephesians.

I really feel that God has been on my case to do this and read Ephesians 1 and 2 and i have and the first bit is just amazing.

There is so much packed into this first verse so i am just going to take this first bit and break that down into two chunks

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

The first thing that strikes me is the praising of the lord. Its so so important to do this and to really give God the Glory. The second thing is that we are given every spiritual blessing whilst living here on earth but operating in the spiritual realm. The key thing here being that its every not just one or two but every.

The other aspect is that we are predestined to be “holy and blameless in his sight.” which means that there is hope and we are meant to be striving for this and we don’t have to submit to the old saying that is “oh I’m only human”.

In love 5he[c] predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

Again its just puts the focus back to God and takes it away from us and not just our selfish ambition but in fact for his praise.

The wording is beautiful as it summarizes the Gospel so concisely. God has given us his one and only Son Jesus and he has done this freely for every one so that whoever believes in Him would have everlasting life.

Frozen Pond in Bournemouth

Frozen Pond in Bournemouth

By Winter7 Comments


It was amazing as here in Sunny Bournemouth it has been so cold and cold enough to even freeze the local pond at the park. For me it was such a novelty to walk ice that once was a pond. It did get a bit scary as when some one else came near me it cracked a bit.

The image was just quite special as for this little girl it was the first time as well to walk on a frozen pond.

Do you like the boosted contrast.