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Westbourne Shopping Hall #3

By Architecture, Toned7 Comments

I must say that this is my favorite of the whole series.The detail of all the beams and steel girders just make such an interesting mix of shapes and lines.

I toned it blue with a layer effect and a wee bit of gausian blur on one layer.

Thoughts on this series would be mucho apreciato….

Westbourne Shopping Hall #1

By Architecture, BuildingsOne Comment

This begins a series of photos that was taken in Westbourne Bournemouth UK. It was a nice crisp early morning and there was no one around. So i ceased the opportunity to capture this Shopping hall that was completely empty.

As it is a rather old part of Bournemouth I thought it would be nice to sepia tone it so as to add to the old feeling.

I did this when i didn’t have photoshop. Picasa did a great job at toning it and as the image was good it did not need much post processing.

Four Dimensional Love

By loveNo Comments

I have been greatly blessed by this bible study.

Based on this scripture…  Ephesians 3: 18-20

18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.  20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

This is taken directly from a bible study that i have been reading by Reinhard Bonnke. Its been really helpfull and just so applicable..

God’s love is not a mere sentiment or emotional attachment. Nor is it a dutiful relationship as when we love a father because he is our father, or our children love us only because they are our children. It is the other way with God. He fathered us because He loved us, before we were born. God’s love is not fondness. When we love anyone we send them gifts, flowers, and write them letters. He does all that! He fills the wide world with gifts and flowers, writes His love with the stars of heaven, and the poetry of everything that is beautiful. But more than that, much more than that, the love of God penetrates our cold hearts, shed abroad by the Holy Spirit. It is the closest and most personal love.

Its not a duty that he has to love us as we are his children but because he wants to… and that is so cool and special…. as even if we think there is no one out there that could possibly love us there is one who is and does… GOD…

Love and charity in English are the same word. Love! It changes its own environment, and creates an atmosphere of greatness, openness, and generosity. Love never has a zipped up purse.

Love is as infinite as God, for God is love.

Do view the whole Study at this url..

Kenyan Flower Series #4

By flowers, TonedNo Comments

This was a simple colour tone on a black and white images using the select color range tool…

I tried to keep the pink subtle and not to strong.. it has created a nice airbrish feeling but i am  not sure if it works too wel as the green did look nice… ??
