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Kenyan Flower Series # 3

By Depth of field, flowers, Macro, Nature131 Comments

This is a really nice shot and i almost already think this will be shot of the series..

Again the depth of field here is what makes this one special and just so soft and nice to look at..

No major post production was needed..

I quite like how i have framed it as it sits at the bottom of the frame propping up the lush green garden behind.


Kenyan Flower Series #2

By Depth of field, Macro3 Comments

This is a nice little tightly cropped image of… sadly i forget the name… but rather common flower in Kenya…

Again there is allot of depth of field in this and it works rather nicely i feel… it accentuates that nice red core of the flower…

Again just fairly simple levels tweaks here..

Would a more clearer shot with less depth of field have been better?

Warehouse Docks at Poole Quay | by night

By light, Seaside4 Comments

This photo was taken at Poole quay… with a good friend of mine Luke Baker a talented graphics artist.. he is doing a graphics illustration project on the quay so we popped down for a spot of photography…

Im pretty sure this is one of mine.. as we shared my camera.. but if not sorry luke…

If you ask luke i kept baning on about the light on the water as it looked so nice… but thing was it is not that applicable to a illustrative piece of work that needs more definitions..

i like it as i have stylise the warehouse with a water colour brush and then mad sure things are perfect toward the bottom of the image… this makes a nice contrast from where the light is coming from to clear light reflected in the water..

what’s the verdict to peopels.. like it…

Advertising in Jomo Kenyatta Airport… a photographers take..

By Candid, contrast, light, Wide angle7 Comments

This photo was taken on the entry into Jomo Kenyatta International airport as you walk down towards the Immigration desks..

I liked the original perspective of this image but i later realised that the light that was coming of the adverts on the side were beautiful…

i have just used the curves to pull out this light and then tone down the rest of the backgrounds… i also added a layer effect multiply to be exact and a little gaussian blurr..

do people like it or is it too dark…

one fore thing i had to crop it down as it had allot of useless space above and below it..

Old Kenyan Man

By Depth of field, Portrait11 Comments

I took this image with a 70- 300 manual focus lens that i does not auto focus well with my Canon 20D so when i do get a nice image like this its rather rewarding..

I like the soft depth of field and the contrast that i have boosted it too… The mans face has so much detail and the way he is posed just shows wiseness…

The fact that his eyes were closed also was interesting and went well with the old feeling.. not that all old people sleep just though it was nice…

Ringwood Forest Series #6

By photographyNo Comments

This is just some of the trees as you look up in the forest and then boosted contrast makes the whole thing really dark and contrasty…

This concludes the Ringwood forest series…  Please do go through and tell me what you think of them and leave lots of helpful and even constructive criticism.

There is two main aspects that are consistent with this series,

  1. Black and White
  2. Forest and trees

I have tried to display a few different ways of taking pictures in a Forrest and i hope that it has helped you see what is possible.

Tell me which one you like the most…

Ringwood Forest Series #3

By photographyNo Comments

The first thing that sprang to mind for this one was a nuclear aftermath. It looks like some of the trees have been flattened or also like the trees that have been flattened after St Helens Exploded.

Again this is solarised and intentionally quite sinister and dark looking.

Is it too strong or grey??