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Ringwood Forest Series #2

By photographyOne Comment

Here is number two in the series sorry that it was not posted yesterday… Was very busy…

Its got quite a sinister feeling to it and its basically been solarized by the photoshop filter looks like it could be out of a horror movie…

I like the contrast between dark trees and the light ground… the original.. was quite dark and this was another take on the forest.

Ringwood forest Series #1

By photography26 Comments
Wide pan shot of path in the forest

Wide pan shot of path in the forest

This shot was taken when i was doing a shoot for one of my major projects for Uni… It was a great opportunity to catch the beauty of the forest. I shall be doing a 5 part series on this over the next 5 days so do keep checking back each day.

I like this one as it is a cool gradient from light to dark across the frame and also the perspective of the rode into the distance…

Just achieved by a few photo filters… and de-saturation effects..

S macro

By photographyNo Comments


Same as ttaT This image was taken with the revers lens trick effect. This is basically taking the camera lens off your SLR and turning it upside down.. then you have to focus by moving the lens and keeping it steady for the shot. Its often a hit or miss shot but when it works its beautiful as you can see the above image is just of some text on a piece of paper that you can even see the pixels of the ink jet..
I left it blue as thats how it came out just changed the levels to the right exposure..


By photographyNo Comments


This image was taken with the revers lens trick effect. This is basically taking the camera lens off your SLR and turning it upside down.. then you have to focus by moving the lens and keeping it steady for the shot. Its often a hit or miss shot but when it works its beautiful as you can see the above image is just of some text on a piece of paper that you can even see the pixels of the ink jet… i do really like this and i dint have to edit it much i have just change the hue to something softer and desaturated it so that is quite plain but this is the beauty of it.. Thoughts on this technique??

Ringwood Forest Photo Series Black and White Theme

By photographyNo Comments

I have just come to the end of a photo series of Ringwood Forest over on my photoblog.

Please take a look on Photonoy for the true experience.

Its a series of 6 photos that i took whilst on a shoot for a uni project. They are all black and white and display a range of was to take photos in a forest and then how you can using different post production techniques to enhance and create a mood and feeling.

Below are a few thumbnails of the images… these can be viewed in a pop up lightbox gallery but do visit Photonomy for the real deal.

Please do check the out and leave lots of comments… its been a while since a had some…


Ringwood Forest Series #6

By contrast, LandscapeNo Comments

This is just some of the trees as you look up in the forest and then boosted contrast makes the whole thing really dark and contrasty…

This concludes the Ringwood forest series…  Please do go through and tell me what you think of them and leave lots of helpful and even constructive criticism.

There is two main aspects that are consistent with this series,

  1. Black and White
  2. Forest and trees

I have tried to display a few different ways of taking pictures in a Forrest and i hope that it has helped you see what is possible.

Tell me which one you like the most…