This photo is one that I think you will either love or hate! What can be commonly referred to as the Marmite theory. It has some interesting deep tones to it that make it feel quite sinister but at the same time quite luring. Its the kind of image that would go well with a strong cup of coffee and a double chocolate chip bens cookie!
It was taken on Diani beach Kenya which is certainly not a sinister place – In fact it is one of my favorite places in the world. I have just got back from the most amazing week long holiday which was such a blessing and a great break.
I will be posting up more uplifting images in the next few days but please enjoy the “depth” of Sinister Seascape and if you like it please share it or leave a comment. Thanks in advance.
It was really blowing so we rigged up eh boards and kites and headed down to the beach.. josh was really excited and so was i…. We both wanted to get going so we got in a bit of a cafufle over who should launch who any way i won so i got going straight away.. I realised that my 17.5 was just a bit big for the conditions so mum ran up and got my new 12 metre flexi atom 08… thanks mum…
The new flexi was really great so smooth and easy to use… also good and easy hangtime… i couldnt believe the ease of use compared to my 17.5 machine. The bar pressure was also so light compared…
I kited until it was dark and it was so cool just cruising on the flat water whilst the sun went down…
Lets hope the wind pics up today as its been raining a bit…
We set off at 5:30 AM with the car all loaded up with mostly Kite Gear it was so funny as all of it was just Kitesurfing gear…
It was my first time driving down to the coast and it was a pretty hard trip especially for the first 120 Kilometers.
It was so bumpy the the whole car was just ratling and its not that bad a car, toyota prado, the other scary thing was the driving through athi river.. dark dusty busy was not the best of conditions…
We got into Mombasa time around lunch time and made our way through the incredibly busy mombasa town it was so mad, the pushing and shoving and people jumping in the road was the just a few issues i had..
Once we got to likoni our ferry cross was really great.. straight through and we managed to keep the AC running whilst we were on it..
Then of down to Diani past Tiwi past Ukunda left just before Ukunda right at the bottom and we were there finally……. Kiting Continues…