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June 2008

Make Child Poverty History

By Beliefs, IssuesNo Comments

I have just added an animation to my portfolio page and i think everyone who reads this should go have a look at it as i think its pretty good and powerful.

Clocks Animation

It is basically a short animation that is trying to raise awareness with all the issues with Child Poverty.

Portfolio PAGE

Animation Site 

I was in a maths lesson and my Teach Dr. Pomeroy had a bracelet that was the make poverty history one with a little hifen or accent that added in the word child  marked in red. I was really challenged by this and took it on as the basis of this project. I have never yet managed to thank her but I will do. 

I think that children are the worst effected by poverty and is clearly evident with all the terrible pre famine warnings that are coming from across the world. Namely Ethiopia and India. As children cant defend them selves against this it is up to us to actually make a difference and help as much as we can to alleviating the problem.

One of the ways you can do this is by supporting a child through Compassion 

Please can we talk about this issue and can people tell me what they think of the animation i made?

Do people realise how many children are actually dying due to starvation and disease??

Should we be using Scare Tactics with the statistics?? 

Lets discus

What is the plan for my future with the grand scheme of things…

By Beliefs, Christianity, Me, PersonalNo Comments

This blog post is a follow on from a comment on Anne Jacksons Blog

Wow that is very humbling and inspiring as i am 21 at the moment and about to finish Uni. Thankfully i am not in any dept through the fees and costs but in a years time i am going to be out in the big bad world with a Good degree under my belt and some potentually good jobs up in London or Anywhere even. Just if i take a stop and think what am I supposed to do with my life that is where I get stoped dead in my tracks I mean i could make lots of money and even end up running my own company with the sole aim for “Profit and Gain” 

Thing is i dont want my drive and ambition to be in Money and Personal gain.  I want to be able to give something back that will be eternally lasting and worthwhile. My mate Keith Mason and i were recently talking about this… I think this comes about when our perspective goes from being a taker and consumer to a Giver and Maker and though this the focus is not so much what i can get out this bit of work but what it can do to help other people in one way or another. 

I do feel that there are many different areas that i would like to go into but i do think that i want to Help my parrents with the work that they are doing in Africa. take a look at . Its for me more about fulfilling the great commission that Christ has place on each and every person. 

The great commission is very simple it is about spreading the Good News of Christ.

Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission

 16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The good news of Christ is that he gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins so that if we believe in him we would have eternal life… 

John 3:16 16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I know that i have digressed but what i am trying to say is that for me, Anne and many others, there is more to life than just making lots of money, taxes and death. There is something that is eternal and it is that future hope that i look forward to and I would encourage everyone who reads this to really think about.

Do people think that you go down a career path that can make a ton of money but not get caught up in the system and ultimately fail to help people???