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Barn door and coke

By texture8 Comments


Coke manages to get everywhere especialy in third world countries. I do like and enjoy coke but did you know that if a kenyan had the choice of buying a shoelace that he needed or a coke he or she would buy a coke. i cant quote that but i was told by someone that that was the case. I think the problem is that they do make a huge amount of money but i cant see the money being put back in. Maybe i am wrong but that is the case at least from the outside.

I liked the barn door as it had some subtle detail that was quite catching.. also the contrast to that of the Coke ad.

A hole in the wall

By Uncategorized3 Comments


A cool shot that i took whilst watching my bro doing some horse riding it was at this cool old show ground and the buildings were pretty retro. There will be more so keep checking back every so often.
This is simple an overlay effect with a slight Gaussian blur and booted levels. A few more tweaks but that’s how i did it.
Do you like the processing and the texture?

Cool Clouds

By clouds4 Comments


So here we have it number two in the little cloud series.. as the last clouds image was a bit to stylised I decided to go for a simple yet still quite contrasty shot of clouds in the Rift Valley

Thanks to everyone who constructively criticised the last blog post i think this one is a bit better. Do you agree?

The main proccessing was just the cammera raw imput settings into PS.

Blue Kitengela trumpets of wax

By Arty8 Comments

A simple yet interesting shot of the bottom of some Kitengela glass from Kenya with a cool effect to make it look like it is wax..Do you like the effect or not?

This btw is my first post with the new WP 2.7 using the QuickPress function. Woop Woop