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Jomo Kenyatta Airport Inside Baggage Reclaim.

By Toned2 Comments
Jomo Kenyata Airport from the inside

Jomo Kenyata Airport from the inside

I took this one when i landed in nairobi a few months ago… it was nice as there wasnt too many people yet. Apparently it is not allowed but i think i managed to get away with it…

I quite like teh perspective effect especialy the way the lights go of into the distance.. I thought the dark brown toned effect worked well with this one as its is quite old fashioned and 80’s looking in there..

Little Wasini Island Boy | Kenya

By Candid, Portrait, Seaside40 Comments

Thus was a litle boy that i thought was pretty sweet playing on the old boats

This was a litle boy that i thought was pretty sweet playing on the old boats. I visisted Wasini Island, one of the last islands before you arrive in Tanzanean waters. As we were all leaving the island after having a lovely seafood meal this boy was watching all the tourists leave… Its such a wierd contrast as he lives there and its his home but for us visting is was a tourist atraction. Its quite powerfull as there is a sense of pain or anger in his eyes… What can we do about it?

Best Mate Philly D and Lovely Katy S

By Portrait3 Comments
Querky PD and KS

Querky PD and KS

This photo is of my best friend Phil Downing and his lovely girlfriend Katy Slater. I was playing around with layering effects and one of the ones that i noticed was the overlay with gaussian filter… this creates a nice soft focus effect. I then made it black and white and realised it complimented the faces really (as is the case with black and white). I then toned the colourful areas to keep that bit of querkynes that i feel reflects a certain side of them both. Please Comment on it…