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A bible study Luke 11 – 14-27

Jesus knows out thoughts full stop we can’t hide them and we can’t pretend or hide from God. So when Jesus healed the mute man there where still some that opposed him. He knew what they where thinking.

If any kingdom is divided against itself it will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fail.

If we are in dispute or fighting one another there is no way there will be forward ground made for the kingdom of God. Families also need to be in unity otherwise they will fail. Truth!

Satan is not against Satan there is no such thing as good and bad evil verse 18 sort of states that it’s quite clear that evil does not cast out evil. I have a question? In light of this passage how does the books of Harry Potter stand against this line of theology. I don’t think it can how can white magic cast out black magic? Surely according to the scripture it is one and the same.

He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters. V 23

What does it mean to Gather with Jesus?

I believe the amplified explains this well.

He who is not with Me [siding and believing with Me] is
against Me, and he who does not gather with Me [engage in My interest],
scatters. (Luke 11:23 AMP)

We need to engage with Gods interests. I ask you what are these interests? Souls for Christ. Healing the sick. Loving people unconditionally. Helping others particularly the oppressed, orphaned, homeless and widowed!

We need to get close to Christ to see his face and to get inline with what’s on his heart. I encourage for you to ask God what is on YOUR heart and help me to align my heart to yours.

Jesus finishes with a response to a lady who identifies Mary, Jesus’s mother and says she should be blessed for having and bringing up Jesus. Strangely Jesus gives a response that is an interesting perspective.

But He said, Blessed (happy and to be envied) rather are
those who hear the Word of God and obey and practice
it! (Luke 11:28 AMP)

So we have heard the Word today we have to consciously choose to follow it!


Last PGCE Seminar Ever

By PGCE, SD - ICT, Seminars125 Comments

This seminar we have been asked to think up a few different ideas on what is the best starter plenary and general lesson.

Its all over and it has been great to get to know the other people on the pgce and to share ideas.

I wonder if we wil keep in touch but i reckon we will always be able to call up each other and ask for ideas.

Cheers guys.


Chris Field

App Inventor

Starter with bitmap mario

Red yellow green

Star Logo

Simon West

Taboo for describing words of a program like flash.

Who wants to be a millionaire ppt


Use of videos embed them into ppt

Use of twitter responses to get feedback about the lesson you can do this on a excell spreadsheet

Use of spreadsheet mail merge to mark their coursework and give feedback directly to emails.

Graham Downer

Cool tools for school loads of ideas and tools for teaching

todays meet used for classroom thoughts or debates

Polleverywhere for doing pols with web responses

Flickbooks for flash

pencil for flash alternative

Format painter to select whole bunch of text.


A spot of golf – Mt Kenya

By b&w18 Comments

After what has been a challenging yet rewarding PGCE Year I am back with my photography. Its so good to have it done and be able to get a bit of my life back. I did really well and had some good results.

I do hope you enjoy this one from Kenya taken at the Nanyuki Golf Club.

Is it too dark?

Evaluation of OCR Nationals A06 Databases

By PGCE, POT 3, TeachingNo Comments

Over the last term I have been teaching a series of lesson bassed on the ICT OCR Nationals syllabus. The syllabus is broken down into 6 modules and the pupils have to complete each module at pass level in order to get what is equivalent to half a GCSE.

I have been specifically teaching them the AO6 Databases module over the last 7 weeks.

Please see my medium term plan here >>

The challenge with this unit was to make it interesting and engaging for the pupils. Databases can be a bland topic to teach as it is quite a formal and rigid skill that does not allow for much creativity. The easiest way I found to make it interesting was to try and choose a topic that allowed them to engage with the program. As a department we came up with an idea for the pupils to create a music festival and to allow the pupils to choose the types of bands that they would like to perform. This allowed the pupils to create the tables in the database with information that was relevant to them.

Each skill needed to be chunked into small tasks as at times the pupils got lost when doing the long processes of creating queries and reports. It was also important to explain why they would do certain tasks in the program so that they could see the benefit of using an automated program like this.

I found the use of the powerpoint template was helpful to scaffold the pupils work and give them direction however after a while the pupils lost interest and became obviously quite bored with the process of combing in again and again and gathering screen shots for each skill they have shown and annotating it. In the future i will try and find more activities that allow them to do the work quicker and more independently. To give time  allow for more creative teaching.

After we had finished this i was able to collect the work through the automated Joint assessment system program and I am currently in the process of marking it to give pupils feed back.

>> powerpoint template =

Year 8 Apprentice Finance Lesson.

By PGCE, POT 3, TeachingNo Comments

Resources >>

Lesson Plan >>

What went well?

In this lesson pupils where given a good opportunity to practice their numeracy skills by using their research to fill in a finances spread sheet in Excel. They where able to practice doing formular such as sum functions and simple adding up formular they als learnt how to do percentage. This was all worked into a scafolded spreadsheet as the pupils where of a low ability.

Pupils learn the importance of creating finances and the reason why they do it. There where some good responses saying why they though so during times of questioning.

I was able to challenge the pupils by asking them to try an figure out certain formular without any guided teaching.

What could have been done better.

Some of the items on the spread sheet where not included in the list of items they could produce making it hard for them fill the spread sheet out completely

Some pupils needed to be encouraged to get a move on with their work and needed a few warnings given.

I could have made the introduction to the spreadsheet more interesting and engaging to grab the pupils attention.

National Curriculum and Exams

By PGCE, POT 3No Comments

I have recently been involved in some department meetings that have been to discuss the relevant topics and schemes of work for the next academic year in my home school. The way this has worked is the Head of IT has emailed us out a list of the various areas in the curriculum that have gaps and need schemes of work. We have previously discussed how these schemes of work for year 7-9 relate toe the national strategies and national curriculum.

I have personally been involved in creating some marking levels for year 8 assessments according to the levels set out here

It has also been very interesting talking to my mentor about the future of GCSE and he has said that if he could he would ask pupils to do the  ICT iGCSE as this is a academic route that does not require anny coursework assesment.

Currently the School are going to do the ICT  functional skills by edexecel it is apparently a good course as it does not require the pupils to do all the work independently without the use of scaffolded work for coursework. It is all assessed through exams.

I have been involved with coming up with the mini projects that help the pupils learn all the basic skills for the GCSE. The point is to get the pupils the do the tasks again and again practicing the skills so that they remember them for the exam. I helped with comming up with a game project unit to design and sell a game including the planning and marketing.

Year 13 Revision Lessons & Exam Prep

By PGCE, POT 3, Reflection, TeachingNo Comments

Over the last 5 weeks I have had the opportunity to get some experience with year 13 KS5 computing lessons.

This has been a steep learning curve for me and I have seen how complex a topic this is.

The main area that we have been working on is Internet security.

Please see this Lesson plan and this PowerPoint to observe what I did in this lesson.


For these lessons I only had two pupils so I really tried to make sure that they it was setup like a tutoring session rather than a lecture. This I achieved by just sitting with the pupils either side of me. I was also able to show them a few not taking tools and barnstorming applications such as

We went the various aspects of networks and how they can be protected with firewalls I asked them to sod some research to see what firewalls where available. I also asked them how they thought antivirus programs worked and what the virus vault was. It was good to talk to them about their experiences with antivirus software and to compare this to macs.

I also then went onto teaching some revision lessons where we were looking at a past paper. These lessons where fairly simple as it was just to ask the pupils to get on with the paper. Please see my Lesson plans for what I did.

The main observation was that the pupils need to understand the concepts clearly and be concise with their answers in orders to achieve all the marks. It was really useful to use the mark scheme to get what was exactly needed it also showed the pupils what the examiners wanted.

It’s a hard task to get them to understand the concepts and not just teach to the test. At A-Level most of the questions do require pupils to understand what is actually going on so it does balance the scales I feel.

Teaching Logicator to Lower Ability Pupils.

By PGCE, POT 3, TeachingNo Comments

Lesson Plan >>

In this lesson i was really trying to make personalized provision for SEN Pupils

What went well.

  • most pupils where able to have a sub system created for a pelican flow chart so the objectives where completed
  • pupils learnt more about how to create flow charts and see the effect of this in action
  • I was able to give them a solution to work of in order to aid the less able ones with their working

What could have been done better.

  • I would hav liked to prepare a flow chart without the do procedure so that pupils could see why it is a good idea to use procedures to save time and energy
  • I still need to work on chunking this up for the lesser able pupils even further
  • I made good preparation for the the TA so that they knew what to do and what to help with this lesson

All in all i really was needing to make sure that each step was explained verry carefully i found that if pupils did not understand it i needed to be gentle with them and not get frustrated. I also found that the Use of a helper was really important in the management of the lesser able pupils. It was important that the squeaky wheels did not get all the grease from me.

For the 4 pupils that did not create the flow chart completely I issued a lunch time detention that I later had to sell as a session to help them improve their learning and to get them caught up to speed with the rest of the class. It was a fine line for some of the pupils who where taking advantage of their and not putting in the effort needed. It was good tho to get them all up to scratch as this really help these SEN pupils progress.

What i really learnt from this lesson is that it is incredibly important to keep the lower ability pupils self esteem up and not get frustrated with them but not to allow them to just use it as an excuse.

I also have had to follow up on a SEN pupils progress with the tutor and ask them to please back me in the importance to get work completed during the lesson. This pupil needs to be constantly watch as there are some social, home and behavioural issues that are affecting his work progress. It has been a good start to get the tutor involved.

Please see Email Evidence to support this.Q18 Email Evidence of supporting a pupil

Using National and Statistical Data GCSE ICT

By PGCE, POT 3, TeachingNo Comments

Using Local and National statisitical data in my teaching

I have been looking at how pupils at GCSE perform in ICT over this year. I have noticed that there is a trend that boys tend to under perform in the course work related subjects of which one is the GCSE OCR national’s option.

According to the article from the bbc below it indicates how boys are under achieving. I also have had a look at the results from my home school

Gender gap


Boys continue to lag behind girls in most subjects, a trend of more than two decades.

The gender gap was at its widest in the early 2000s for A*-Cs, and in the middle of the decade for A*-As.

Explanations for the gap vary, although it is widely thought that girls perform better than boys in continued assessment and coursework. Other reasons given for the gap in GCSE performance are maturity and motivation.

However, a higher percentage of boys get A and A* grades in economics and additional maths than of girls. Boys also pulled ahead of girls at these top grades in maths last year, and in physics at A grade – and managed to maintain the edge in both in 2010.


The main solution to tackle boys under achieving is to chunk and segment coursework into manageable tasks that can be achieved each lesson one by one. We have been creating out OCR nationals work with small slides that each pupil can complete each lesson and I have been implementing this in my year 9 teaching of databases.

I have personally seen how this really works well for in class activities however it is tough when pupils don’t completed all the work that they need to do in lesson as this as ramifications later on in term as areas can depend on other areas.

Please see my POT 3 TEACHING for YEar 9