Well this is an epic post as it marks the return to the photoblogs sphere. I have been having to focus all my time on my degree BA Hons Interactive Media Production. It has gone really well and I can’t wait for the results Spots Kenya was my main Major and i also wrote a Dissertation looking into the aspects of online participation particularly the active and non active aspects of participatory online media. I want to publicly thank all those that have been a great help and inspiration throughout the completion of my uni degree. With particular thanks to…
Mik Parsons, Claudia Vieira, Joe Flintham and Marian Mayer.
This image is a bit of a trial photo really as I am just getting back into the way of new processing techniques and I thought that this was a good start.
Please let me know what you think of the overall strength of the image and if the proccessing lets it down.
Poor photocopier yes indeed.. we smashed this thing up as it need to be thrown in the skip and it was jolly fun. I couldn’t resist the photo opportunity with all the toner ink splattered around it..
I went for a very rustic and textured process here.
Sorry once again for my absence my Uni dissertation is taking up a great deal of time… Hope you like this though i have mad a special effort to get it out as i not posted for a while.
Well this is one of my takes on Boscombe Pier for those who follow my photoblog here in Bournemouth what is yours?
It slightly different I know but i thought of trying a new style of processing and layer filters. Do you notice anything strange?
Just in case you were wondering why I have not been putting so much up recently is because I am currently in the middle of writing my dissertation for my university course and need to really focus and sadly this does take up a bit of time what with commenting on all your wonderful photos. So please forgive me and know that i do really appreciate your comments and will try my best to comment back.