I have been trying to spread the word on facebook about a questionnaire that i am doing for my dissertation
please do it……
This is what i get…. from them in return
I also then got this email…
We have detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have reset your password as a security precaution. It is possible that malicious software was downloaded to your computer or that your password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook. Please carefully follow the steps provided:
Well this is one of my takes on Boscombe Pier for those who follow my photoblog here in Bournemouth what is yours?
It slightly different I know but i thought of trying a new style of processing and layer filters. Do you notice anything strange?
Just in case you were wondering why I have not been putting so much up recently is because I am currently in the middle of writing my dissertation for my university course and need to really focus and sadly this does take up a bit of time what with commenting on all your wonderful photos. So please forgive me and know that i do really appreciate your comments and will try my best to comment back.
Once in a while as you know i will put up an amazing vimeo video that has inspired me, this ones is just truly amazing.
It’s an HD one so do go to the orriginal and view it full screen. http://vimeo.com/2910853
Almeria 2008 from Vicente Sahuc on Vimeo.
I hope you enjoyed it.
I seem to be on quite a roll with this style of imagery. I think that its important to stick with a current trend or theme for a while.
What do people say about the change of tone through he depth of field which is the way it blurs to the left of the photo?
I am doing a little competition on twitter for the 21st commenter they shall get their very own high rez version of this emailed perfect for desktops. If you refer some one and they say in their comment it was you then you too will get one. So spread the love and RT this.