So here we have it number two in the little cloud series.. as the last clouds image was a bit to stylised I decided to go for a simple yet still quite contrasty shot of clouds in the Rift Valley
Thanks to everyone who constructively criticised the last blog post i think this one is a bit better. Do you agree?
The main proccessing was just the cammera raw imput settings into PS.
After the success of Faboulously freesing Freshford i decided to have another shot at this one. i liked the way the sky turned out on the negative and how it looks like you are looking at something from a plane at 30,000 feet above sea level. The other thing is the way i have reflected the image almost looks like a stealth fighter plane. Do you agree??
Do you prefer this one or the Fresford
Well I am currently about thirty thousand feet above sea level cruising over south Italy. Incase you haven’t gathered I am flying In a Boeing 777 jet to nairobi Kenya on my way home to see my parrents and me bro josh.
I am sitting here waiting for two things one my food to come which is a bit late as we had some turbulances it was actually rather scary and I must admit a small thought crossed my mind in the vein of what I would do.
Well the food is almost here. The little trolly is parked up in front of me and I am thinking what I would like beef or chicken? What would you choose?
I am going to pause this post here while I eat my food and watch hancock. Just finished watching wanted and was not to impressed to be honest. Well that’s slightly loss worded it was quite impressive but I just didn’t agree with the spiritual post modern ethic that was woven into the script. I know we are meant to suspend our disbelief with cinema but when your belief contradicts with the moral structure of the narative then one can only think to him self… Why am I watching this. It’s just so easy to fill our selves with junk and what ever is pure what ever is lovely….. These are the kinds of things that we are meant to fill ourselves with. ( I’ll referece that when I can get to my bible.)
Hancock was a bit better and had a more possitive meaninig but just didn’t really think much of the plot. Some satisfying twists and cool effects though. Very arristotelian.
Oh yeah the food was good salmon but the sauce was a bit runny and could have had more flavour.
I have had a great chat to the lady next me called EVA was cool chatting about UNI life and just random things like movies. It’s always do great to talk to people on a plane as it’s always a bit awekward when you go throughout a whole flight without even saying hello. We were wondering how easy it would be to fake ones identity and pretend that you are a spy or somethin. I think it would be quite hard to sustain what do others think?
Well it’s time to try and get some sleep ad Its about 12:33 Uk time and my body is telling me to sleep.
I expect I’ll be back soon.
Well it was a good flight but am pretty tired now and about to have a nap at home.
Do you enjoy flying?
I am so excited about the new wordpress 2.7 i am now a fully fledged wordpress geek and lover of the whole platform and don’t care what anyone else says but it is probably one of the best blogging and potentially one of the most powerful CMS structures available.. I am just as we speak downloading the new 2.7 release and can wait to get her kick started…
check out this video of what its all about..
I also cant wait to start integrating the socail aspects of it and linking it in with buddy press for the purpose of getting spotskenya run by it..
what do people think do you like it or not..
Please do take some time to pray and even give to wards these people.. my parrents are going out there in 2009 to help so there is some one to support. RFM Africa