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Artcaffe Nairobi Personal Review | Trendy cafe Nairobi Art Cafe

By Cool Things, Hot Spots, Me, PersonalNo Comments
As i write this i am sitting in the new hip trendy artcafe in nairobi… I am on the internet for 2 KES a minute and have just finished my tasty De-caffe Mochanino. It was rather good… a bit sweet so i asked for a litle bit of frothed milk and that made it perfect…
Me in artcaffe

Its really trendy in here and the décor is on par with European standards. It is situated in

the Westgate shopping mall and has been going for 8 months now…. the things that makes it is the flooring and the simple design of the lighting and cream colours…

Art Caffe Floor
Art Caffe Nairobi Inside

The staff are friendly and the service is pretty good but I doo feel that it a bit of an over kill with more than 15 people on the floor at one point.. i think that if they had some serious training and concentrated on fewer then that might raise the standards. I would be happy working here it must be one of the trendiest jobs in the country..

Art Cafe Lights

Art Caffe Video Inside

Tim In Artcaffe

Well all in all its really great and i have enjoyed my hour here…. i must dash as im going up to NU Metre to see a film (Cinema) Also my internet is running out in a few mins and i want to make sure all of you get this…

Series Of Moon Light Photographs of the Indian Ocean

By Me, photographyNo Comments

Please view the finals of this page on PHOTONOMY

Here we have a series of moon light images of the Indian ocean.. These were taken on the full moon period and have come out quite nicely…

  1. Firstly i have cropped the images down so that they framed the horizon better using the rule of thirds.
  2. Secondly i have used the New Adjustment Layer feature to make layers that can be changed these include the black and white feature and the levels and the photo filter effect. They have to be layered in such a way that allows the photo filter to take effect look at this layers tab if you want to try..
Picture 2.png
  • Also note that i have used the unsharp mask which ads more details to digital pictures and allows a more crisper image. The reduce noise was applied to the top as it was quite grainy due to the High ISO rating..
  • Here are the original images so that you can see where i go them from… Note here is the Meta DATA
Picture 3.png

Pleas also note that you can click on the images and they will pop up in light-box, a nice full size preview..

  1. First Edit Of the above with a WARMING filter on the image below.. these images look even better when original and full resolution… i admit that their is too much noise..
2.  Below is a sepia toned one that is more subtle.. which do people prefer



3.  Here below we have a blue moon lit one that is quite strong also


New Style below like looking through a telescope with strong vignetting

I feel that i like the one below the best as it is simple and more appealing to the eye.. simple black and white effect here..

This one is to create the effect of the sun setting with a strong warming filter.


Again another strong blue moonlit filter.


So all in all that was a few that i have edited up… they are not the most conventional images and not the most safe either, as far as styles i think that i may have over done it a bit but the psds are still there and actually look much better than these but i have got his far so i might as well post this.. Dont get me wrong i do like these but i just wanted a challenge and this is what i came out with..
So please comment and tell me what you think… and dont forget to check out the photo blog…
oops i almost for got this one… a first time edit.


Silhouettes of the night

By Uncategorized3 Comments


This was a silhouette of a young man on Diani beach looking down the beach for me. There was a spotlight on the top part of the beach and this is what has aided the effect. I have simply softened the light and toned it down as it was too strong and tungsten. looking. Is it too yellow still… view the next one also pleas and make a comment.

Silhouettes of the night

By UncategorizedNo Comments


This was a silhouette of a young man on Diani beach looking out to the ocean. There was a spotlight on the top part of the beach and this is what has aided the effect. I have simply softened the light and toned it down as it was too strong and tungsten looking.