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SpotsKenya – Buddy Press & WordPress MU Vs WordPress OR From Scratch?

By Coding, Spots KenyaOne Comment

Basically i am not sure what i want to use a separate installation of wpmu and wordpress…

benifits well these are simple..




more stable and easier to use.  plugins and code is simple.

themes and design is simple.

editing and making my own theme is simple.


having two set up mean they are not nicely integrated

i will be working double time on each installation

it will just be a blog really.


Wordpress MU & Buddy Press


the ability to have multiple users

an already set up social networking system

less work and more time to work on Geo Tags and Mobile functions.

easy integrated design

theme design can have a widget enabled system to syndicate all sorts of content.


DNS wildcard settings means no sub-domain creation on a shared hosting package… (could be over come with VPS but i dont have the budget for a VPS)

Code and already created php would have to be learnt (not such a bad thing as learning will give me the best of the best in this field) more complex coding.

limited to what wordpress can do and buddy press ( Just means i can add and develop my own settings)


From Scratch I rather not…

Basically no i don’t want to waste all my time creating a CMS and social networking system as i want to focus on the main important aspects like the Spots and the Geo tagging and google maps integration and the Mobile site.

The questions that came out in my presentation were i cant just create an editorial blog that i spend all my time censoring and editing… i have to create something new and innovative that i am designing as i wont get marks for using wordpress MU except for “engaging with current issues” so what was recommended was exploring the new areas and utilising those and that is what i want to invest time in and on..

These new areas are the use of Geo Tags  and locations services using pin point gps tags and the google maps API … I want to integrate this by using the similar system that google use on there site or what Joe Flintham used for bournemouth sound seeing. So help in creating this type if php and mysql integration for google maps is needed.

As Kenya has a huge mobile network i want to explore and develop a simple mobile site that allows for spots to be submitted and spots to be searched for.. I want this to have a simple search feature a add spot and top spots by genre and location. Probably using a mobile optimised site eg with nice lard text tabs and also the possibility on how to use a text message service.

I also need to make sure i focus on a few key types of spots here in Nairobi. One definite will be eating or restaurant spots. The other may be hotel spots or maybe hospitals.

The main thing i am worried about is not having something set up and ready to go. This is why i want to launch buddy press quickly with spots Kenya to at least start getting people creating there own spots.. and to be honest i think generally people are sensible which means i wont have to worry about filtering and censoring content until it gets big and people do start creating silly stuff.

I would appreciate some feed back on all of this thanks so much.

above is an old post that has a bit of a synopsis of the idea.

Kenyan Flower Series #2

By Depth of field, Macro3 Comments

This is a nice little tightly cropped image of… sadly i forget the name… but rather common flower in Kenya…

Again there is allot of depth of field in this and it works rather nicely i feel… it accentuates that nice red core of the flower…

Again just fairly simple levels tweaks here..

Would a more clearer shot with less depth of field have been better?

Advertising in Jomo Kenyatta Airport… a photographers take..

By Candid, contrast, light, Wide angle7 Comments

This photo was taken on the entry into Jomo Kenyatta International airport as you walk down towards the Immigration desks..

I liked the original perspective of this image but i later realised that the light that was coming of the adverts on the side were beautiful…

i have just used the curves to pull out this light and then tone down the rest of the backgrounds… i also added a layer effect multiply to be exact and a little gaussian blurr..

do people like it or is it too dark…

one fore thing i had to crop it down as it had allot of useless space above and below it..

Jomo Kenyatta Airport Inside Baggage Reclaim.

By Toned2 Comments
Jomo Kenyata Airport from the inside

Jomo Kenyata Airport from the inside

I took this one when i landed in nairobi a few months ago… it was nice as there wasnt too many people yet. Apparently it is not allowed but i think i managed to get away with it…

I quite like teh perspective effect especialy the way the lights go of into the distance.. I thought the dark brown toned effect worked well with this one as its is quite old fashioned and 80’s looking in there..