What we did & Learning objectives!
To learn how to do some market research into different products relating to your one.
To learn what a good logo looks likes and begin designing their logo in fireworks.
What went well?
Students responded well to my levels of classroom discipline when I asked them to be quiet.
I was able to set a good homework on finishing their logo design
Students Learning
The use of getting pupils to design their own logo for their product worked well when I asked them to designing the logo on paper before designing it on screen.
Students learnt how it was good to use simple text based design to create their logo. The use of some good logos on the internet from current devices grabbed them.
What could have been done better and what will I do about it?
I was a bit under prepared at the start of the lesson as my objectives where not up. Next time I need to get a clear start to the lesson with the objectives and know a bit more definitely what I am going to do with them. It was also apparent that I did not have my presentation on my memory stick so I really need to get a good snyc application set up with my memory stick as it is really frustrating.
Students Learning
I did not finish well with a plenary for the pupils. This needs to be planned better.
I feel this was an ok lesson but i will need to re assert myself with these areas.
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