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A revelation of salvation through Jesus in the Trinity.

By 04/07/2012Bible Study, Jesus

How do we really know Jesus?

So I was reading Matthew 16 and verse 15.

Who do you say I am asks Jesus to Simon Peter.

Peter answers “you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Wow He gets it’s. This is a momentous occasion. The disciples now truly know they have the messiah with them. This is a big deal because they where so expectant and waiting for a messiah to deliver them out of their troubles.

This is the important bit bellow in verse 17

Jesus says. Blessed are you… for this was not revealed to you by man, but my my father in heaven.

So stop and meditate/ponder on the above. Have you realised who Jesus is because of man or because you know deep within the core of your being the Jesus is the messiah of the world. Maybe think of the hardest thing you are facing at the moment and ask yourself the question “do I really believe Jesus can deliver me from this and save me”

True salvation happens when people realise who Jesus is not because of what man say or convince them to believe but by the Father in heaven.

How does the father in heaven speak to us? Through the work of the Holy Spirit!

That is the mirracle and splendour of the trinity.

It’s verry interesting though how in John 14:6 Jesus says “I am the way the and the truth and the Life. No one comes to the father except through me.

Its a beautiful trinity.

You have to know Jesus to know the father. John 14:6

But only the Father can reveal this to you. Not man- Matthew 16:15

Then finally the holy spirit will be with us. Jesus calls him out counsellor. He is what is with you right now as you read this. He is with me now reminding me of this as I write these words.

John 14:25-26 All this I have spoken while still with you. BUT the COUNSELLOR, the holy spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you ALL things and REMIND you of everything I have said to you.

These words above come from Jesus to comfort his disciples. They knew he was the messiah but still needed support as he was leaving them soon. The support that would come was the Holy spirit. This support is available for you today. If you need a reminder of Jesus today ask him for it and he will freely give it.

Study, meditate, chew on these words. Read the Matthew 15 scripture and the John 14 verses and ask the holy spirit to speak to you through them.

So today I pray you would come to know who Jesus really is and may the Father reveal this to you not Man. May the holy spirit lead you into the true knowledge of the messiah. May he remind you of how amazing Jesus is and how amazingly good God is. May you come to know the amazing beauty of the trinity also.

May His peace be left with you and may you receive his peace right now.

Massive blessings with you right now – Lord a fresh realisation and revelation for whoever reads this now.


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