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Beauty is not always clear. Which one.

By 04/09/2008portraits

I have been working on a few images this evening from my holiday in diani. This is one image that many would maybe discard… but i figured i would give it a chance…
Here’s the original.. as i took it…. coming to look at it again i do actually like it how it is but i did some editing and tweaking…


Below is what i came up with first time round… its a desaturated with the hue changed to make it look more like moon light… there is also a layer blend going on here that makes it a bit softer..


After a wee bit i decided to go for a cropped down version of the images and then really wanted to make things look really pixelate and soft… the bottom one here is the one i have put on my photo blog…
I think that it works best as it compliments her physic a wee bit more…

Just a bit to harsh but the colours are nice…

So a few questions…. 1) which one do people like?? 2) what effect works best?? 3) who do you think it is??
Please take the time to comment… i would really appreciate it.

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