Class Year 7
What we did? please see lesson plan.
Our main focus this week was to use the clone stamp tool to clone away a ball from a sports image.
We used two techniques the clone stamp tool and just simple copying the surrounding texture and pasting it over the ball.
We also looked at how to insert text into an image.
What went well?
The delivery at the beginning varied slightly but I was able to show them various tools as a recap that helped re enforce their prior learning
They were on task getting on at a rapid pace. I had to make sure they had completed each section before they moved on
I managed the questioning well and tried to use a series of visual demonstration using my hands.
After a bit of feedback from my mentor I used an acetate and solid colour paper to explain how layers can allow you to edit across a multiple layers to preserve the file.
I was able to get the pupils up the front and play the spot the ball game to be actively involved with reviewing and assessing the pupils work.
The pupils enjoyed searching for their own images on the internet and it was a good motivator to get through the controlled given images.
What could have been done better?
I found that i needed to keep things going fast as i had the pupils up at the front for a bit to long and the demonstration can go in one ear and out the other ear.
I found that depending on the time of day the pupils are more or less responsive so I need to have reaslistic targets for the different classes i teacher at different times of the day.
I feel that sometimes in my behaviour management i try and justify everything i say and reason with the pupils but this does not have the greatest effect.
All in all another good series of lessons. I was pleased with the response with the work that was created.